Jia Ying: So far, the advantage that I have in this situation is that the prince was my friend.
Jia Ying went out to the garden. She saw the prince walking with a lady.
Jia Ying: Oh, damn. She must be the 11th consort.
She walked closer to them. She took a look, and thought, "Oh, she really is beautiful, more than any ladies combined here."
The prince and the consort seems very close. Mei Lin was leaning into his shoulder while talking to him.
Prince: Oh, hi Jia Ying, didn't see you there.
Jia Ying: Good afternoon, Your Highness. This must be Mei Lin, the first woman who captured your heart.
Mei Lin: Hi.
Prince (sighs): Mei Lin, this is Jia Ying, my second wife.
Mei Lin: Hi, Jia Ying.
Jia Ying: I haven't heard anything about you.
Mei Lin: Oh, well, I have heard many things about you.
Jia Ying: Oh, like what?
Mei Lin: That you were his childhood friend in this palace.
Jia Ying continued her walk after the chat. She went inside the palace.
Jia Ying: Guys, I saw Mei Lin.
Xue Ni: You did? How was she?
Jia Ying: She is beautiful.
Xue Ni: Why does he keep hiding her from us?
3rd Princess: Duh, she's probably pregnant and is being protected from us in case we decided to make her have an abortion.
Xue Ni (thought): Oh, yeah, those Chinese dramas always show that, it must be the truth then.
Felicia: Could be, I mean, they stayed the night together, after all. Right now, she is the Queen.