Chapter 1: Beginning

"Dad, hurry up please", shouted Kevin from the lobby of a large building. "Sorry buddy we have to wait a little longer'" said his father as he headed to another set of doors and quickly entering the first one. Kevin put on his headphones and took out his console which was now running on low battery. He had been sitting for three straight hours. It was his first time going to his father's workplace only to discover that his father was a delivery man and worked in between offices. Kevin's console inevitable switched off, the only thing between him and his curiosity. With nothing to do, Kevin decided to explore a little bit. The thought of getting lost did not frighten Kevin a single bit or the fact that there were no other people in the building.

Kevin went outside to explore more, he went to the front of the building to see more of it or how big it was. Kevin backed up facing it and the building seemed to head up into the clouds. Kevin continued to back away from the building to see the top but then a heavy wind started to pick up all of a sudden. Even though Kevin was 13 years old, he knew that it was a bad sign and decided to go back to the building. The short walk towards the building proved to be quite a challenge for the small bodied boy, it took him all his might to reach the door in time before he was swept away. Even though Kevin had just used a lot of energy earlier, his curiosity was not gone but even more fired up. He started exploring the entire floor until he discovered the elevator. Kevin without a second thought went inside and started pressing the buttons without any caution of what he was doing. Then the door started to close, instead of being scared he got more excited and decided to see where the elevator took him. First was the second floor, then eighteenth floor and after a series of landing on random floors, Kevin reached the top floor. The gale earlier has calmed down, Kevin thought as he got out of the elevator. He walked around exploring the vast rooftop, Kevin then reached the edge of the roof top and realized that this was the tallest of the buildings around and as he was about to return to his exploring, a loud bang made him crouch down in terror. A gust of wind suddenly picked up and debris was all over the place. Kevin's first thought was to look for an object to hold onto and as he stood up to look for anything to hold he was thrown back a few feet by the force of the hurricane like wind. Kevin neared the edge and was now terrified used all his remaining energy to move forward but to no avail. As another gust of wind pushed him backwards, Kevin found an object to hold on but instead of keeping him from falling the object was falling with him. Still holding onto the object Kevin realized that he was falling and was holding onto what looked like a rope but felt cold and metallic to his touch. A sudden flash of immense light forced Kevin to close his eyes screaming and clawing the air helplessly. At that moment, Kevin felt a surge of energy course through his body and made him numb all over. Before he could pass out, a hard feeling cold feeling revived Kevin and suddenly felt like he was drowning in a pool of goo.

 When Kevin opened his eyes he was facing up and the sky seemed to dance. As Kevin tried to take a deep breath, a cold chocking liquid filled his lungs instead of air. Panic and horror quickly overruled all thoughts out of Kevin's mind. Realizing the rope still next to him he tried using it to get out but then a series of flashes danced on top of the surface. Kevin's mind then concluded one thing as he held at the rope. LIGHTNING!!!!! Before Kevin could let go of the rope, power surges coursed throughout his entire body leaving him completely helpless but still determined to survive. Kevin swam up until he reached the top of the what seemed like a pool. As his head penetrated the surface and he desperately gasped for a lungful of air, Kevin noticed that the water around him seemed alive as if something was inside it. The thoughts of it quickly left his mind as another flash of light danced across the sky. Kevin swan towards the edge and held onto the metal railing. The adrenaline surge from fear and panic pushed him to vault out of the metallic tank. As his sneakers touched the ground, Kevin saw the ooze dripping off of him and steam leaving his body. Kevin ran towards the nearest entrance he could find and entered the company building he was in before he fell. As soon as he entered he started calling out for his Dad.. Kevin only ran for some seconds when a feeling of of numbness, nausea and dizziness made him misstep and trip over himself. The adrenaline was starting to wear off so was the effects and came the aftermath. As soon as his head came into contact with the ground he lost all consciousness.

"Hey kiddo, wake up! ", said Kevin's father as he shook him roughly to wake him up. "You shouldn't be sleeping on the floor", he continued in more disgust than concern. Kevin still feeling dizzy and exhausted tried to stand up but his body refused to move. He couldn't even respond to what his father was saying. 'I think I'm sick', thought Kevin and tried to speak but only a labored mourn escaped his lips which felt to him as though glued shut. 'Dad I can't move, help me up!!', was what Kevin wanted to scream but the mourn which came out was weaker than the last. His Dad now then nudged him a little harder but to no response. "Okay, we're leaving so you better get up right now or I'm going without you", said Kevin's dad faking to leave but then realized that Kevin was not looking good. Now worried about what was going on with his child rushed and started shouting for help. At this moment Kevin had blacked out again and feeling numb all over. Even though he could hear everything that was going on around him and even open his eyes from time to time.

Kevin saw his dad picking him up and rushing towards their truck. He could hear his dad screaming at the people in traffic, people on the phone and the doctors at the hospital. Everything was all flashes and Kevin did not know what was happening to him one moment he was alone the other the room was filled with nurses and doctors rushing around. Kevin didn't know what was happening to, what day it was or even if he was awake or not.

"Is he going to be okay ? What's wrong with him?", asked Kevin's father as he watched the doctors rush in and out of Kevin's room. "We are doing everything in our power to figure out how to help him. Do you know what happened to him?", said one of the doctors. "I don't know, I just saw him lying on the ground", said Kevin's dad to the doctor. "Well, Mr. Knot, the boy is even lucky to be alive. All his vitals seem to be failing and we can't find the cause." 'But I feel fine', thought Kevin as he tried to speak but still failed. Kevin opened his eyes and saw his father grab the doctor by the collar and shouting inaudibly. This time Kevin could feel his consciousness fade away slowly, as if drifting away to a deep sleep. The last thing that Kevin heard was "Don't let him die."

"Hey Kevin can you hear me, say anything. It's your dad", said Mr. Knot ,who was Kevin's Dad, as he wiped Kevin's face with a moist towel. "It's been a month now and your mom is gonna be worried if you don't come home now", said Mr. Knot for the fifth time as he rinsed the towel he used to clean Kevin. A nurse came in to talk to Mr. Knot "Sir we are sure that he is going to wake up, its just a matter of time ." "I'm starting to lose faith in you, it's been an entire month and there hasn't been any progress, the boy continues to....", Mr. Knot couldn't finish his sentence as he was now in tears and didn't want to speak anymore. The nurse just stood there dutifully and almost in tears, then went towards Kevin's drip stand and tripped. She fell heavily on Kevin. The ECG then started beeping erratically and caused panic to flood the room. A team of doctors and nurses entered the room. "What happened?", asked the first doctor fumbling with his stethoscope. "I fell and.....", "No time to explain, your mistake could cost us a life here. Now move", cut in the doctor as he warmed up the defibrillator. "Stand back please", said one of the nurses to Mr. Knot as she pushed him aside. Mr. Knot could do nothing about anything so he was submissive and exited the room peacefully.