chapter 5 Search

"Vermonttt....Is that your real game name?", I asked.

"Ofcourse it is not,it is one of my aliases",he whispered.

"Is this your real appearance, I was told that you couldn't change your appearance easily ."

"This is not my real appearance, I will explain everything to you later, I was waiting for you for more than a hour, it was getting boring for me", he replied slowly and got up from his seat.

My brother was a head taller than me in real life , so it was strange for me to see him like this , moving around with his small legs as if he was small. I wish I could record it and show it to my sister, she loves stuff like these.

I explained why I was late. I explained about the quest I recieved from Irene. I even shared it's details.

"You recieved a quest with unknown difficulty at level 0 from Irene, it never happens easily bro , the possibility of it happening to a level 0 person is really really low".he paused for a bit, deeply thinking.

"Can you show me the plaque you recieved ",he asked.

So I took the plaque out of my storage and was about to give it to him, but I dropped it.

He quickly picked it up.But the plaque had opened up. It was not a normal plaque you see , it's the kind of plaque you give to someone you meet as like a namecard, you can say it as an old school name card, with a message inside for the person you offer it.

Inside the was a small note written very hastily which you can see in the smudges and the trailing of the ink, but still in a beautiful handwriting, '"I know I shouldn't have wrote a note on this plaque, but I knew you would read it as soon as you write a note when you meet , which happens pretty often, I am bored and at my wits end , I want some froombies, so I am going out to gather some, I will be back before you know it"

- Helena Gladstone.'

"It is the froombie season, it is like strawberries with a aromatic smell and good taste, it is not found often in the beginner village , you should...Wait you can get it in the beginner village , You can go to Grace's orchard where you can give five thousand vi to gather any fruit you want from trees or you can go to Angel stone where there is a bunch of wildly growing froombie trees".

"Five thousand vi that is a lot, what should we do now? Where would she have gone now, Angel place seems like the place she would have gone?"

"I think she would have gone to Angel stone too , it would have been her most obvious choice , leaving in a hurry from home I am pretty sure that she did not carry anything but a basket lest any money to buy the froombies".

"But there seems to be a small problem, Angel stone is not a safe place for beginners , a group of beasts settled down in the area , and it has become like a dungeon on its own.

It is not a safe place for be newbies, it is called the 'Graveyard of foolish noobs', so what do you think we should do , Should we not dk the quest". After hearing it was a dangerous place for newbies , I seriously started thinking whether I should take the risk. I asked a strange question,"What do you think about the humans in the village , I mean the NPC's bro?",I asked because something was bugging me out.

"They are not normal that I know for sure. These NPC they have lives of their own , they are living a life in this game and playing a part in this game. They can interact do quests , create quests , they can do anything a human can do , theg are like sophisticated AI's capable of doing anything , If you want to quit the quest you can ...."

Before he could finish , I interrupted him, "Are you saying that a child living as a human can die if we don't take this quest or not do anything about it".

"Yeah, it can very much happen unless otherwise someone who had taken up the quest shows up or the one who created the quest , Irene can reach her and save her, so what do you want to do about it it is your quest".

I didn't hesitate to answer quick," I want to save her."

"Then what are you waiting for let us go, Angel stone is on the other side of the village".

I could sense that my brother was getting happy in his heart as if he had found something good. I felt like he was hiding something big from me.

I followed him up where he was leading me as I had accepted the quest.

"So I have a question for a very long time , what is the death penalty in this game, other than losing items, I mean I am level 0, what could possibly happen, if I died right now..."

He looked back at me with a strange look on his face, "You really did not read any message about the game I sent you nor did you do any research on your own about the game right"

I gave a small sly smile.

He gave himself a small tap on his head as if he was beating his head,"Gosh you have not changed a bit since you were younger"

He answered after he calmed down a bit, "You recieve a day of log in ban , if you die in game , that is like 2 days inside game , but there are special deaths too, but it very rarely happens, only some users have experienced it so even if they have written notes about it , it is really hard to believe whether they are saying the truth or lying."

He quickly grabbed my hand and looked at my palm,"You still have not awakened your hex soul , that is strange".