Chapter 4:Erasa, angel or demon?

Erasa in the room was wondering what could be done in this kind of room so she used her "vision" skill which allowed her to see everything that is happening in the house where she is being held.

 She saw how Ben and his wife were talking in their room and a little further away she saw Jérôme sleeping on his bed in a huge deep sleep.

 Erasa then understood the usefulness of a room but she had never slept since she was a baby, so she tried anyway. She lies down then closes her eyes and sleeps.

 During her sleep, she seemed still awake, part of her spiritual body rose and moved around the house, then she approached the sleeping Jerome.

 Erasa: << What does he do when he sleeps? Would he be in the same state as me now? No, I doubt it >>

 Erasa entered the boy's consciousness and saw that he was dreaming, everything was blurry and in this dream Jerome was drawing water which he carried with several turns.

 Erasa entered his dream while avoiding being seen by Jerome, she darkened the sky in the boy's dream.

 Jérôme in the dream: << hey, it's going to rain it looks like I'd better hurry up and transport these containers >> looking at his hands, there was no more container and Jérôme found himself in an unknown void with only one road and forest everywhere.

Jérôme: << but what am I doing here? How did I get here? >>

 The sky was dark, the forests inside contained a terrifying darkness, and there was no sound. Jerome began to run in the dream.

 Erasa, who caused all this, began to laugh.

 Erasa: << hahaha, but where is this one going!!>>

 she then took the path on which Jerome transformed into a giant snake with thick, scaly black skin, Jerome was in panic, he started to scream like a little girl the giant snake got up and attacked Jerome who ended up cutting himself from his dream and woke up with a start

 Jérôme: << my God it was just a nightmare oulala!!! >> Jerome was sweating and Erasa's spiritual form was still in his room laughing to the point of tears because she found him so funny.

 After that night, the day dawned and very early in the morning Ben went to see if Erasa was still in his bed. He opens the door and sees Erasa still sleeping Ben sighed and turned around to go into the living room he closed the door and went into the living room and saw Erasa standing in front of him in the hallway in fear he fell

 Ben: << but... but how did you do it? >>

 Erasa: << hello sir, how are you? >>

 she says it with a banal air.

 Ben got up and went to Erasa's room, he opened the door and saw no one in the bed where Erasa was sleeping, he immediately remembered that Erasa could certainly have something that made her so fast than last night.

 Ben: << hello erasa, slept well I hope? even if I'm going to have to leave you all day with my son Jérôme first because my wife and I have a lot to do at the market, be good, okay? >>

 Erasa: << ok sir ben! >>

 Ben went to his room and saw Jérôme sitting on a chair in the living room with a tired face who kept yawning.

 Erasa went to him and sat down on a chair next to him

Erasa: << hello Jérôme >>

 Jérôme: << ho it's you... do you already know my name? >>

 Erasa: <>

 Jérôme: << ah yes I understand better but then what's your name? >>

 Erasa: << my name is erasa..why do you look so tired? >>

 Jérôme: << nice name Erasa... Don't worry, I just had a bad night having useless nightmares!! >>

 Ben and his wife came out of the room fully dressed.

 Ben: << well we'll leave you now >>

 Elodie: << Jérôme.. don't forget to feed the livestock and draw water, is that understood? >>

 Jérôme: << yes mom, we understand! >> the couple went out and Jérôme got up and told erasa.

 Jérôme: << said erasa, how old are you? >>

 Erasa: << I am 10,000 million years old >>

 Jerome narrows his eyes and says.

 Jérôme: << Hum... you know you could just tell me that you don't want to give me your age instead of talking nonsense, basically I'm 16 and looking at you you must be between 15 and 16 years old also but hey of course.... keep talking nonsense!! >>

 Erasa felt a little insulted, so she responded.

 Erasa: << uh... you don't believe me? >>

 Jérôme: << if I believe you and why aren't you 10,000 billion years old while we're at it pffff!!! >>

 Erasa: <> said Erasa calmly.

 Jerome's head turned red with anger, he thought Erasa wanted to make fun of him and make him look like an idiot.

 Jérôme: << you know what? Forget !! >>

 Delete:<< okay! >>

 Jérôme: << but then where are you from? >>

 Erasa: << I come from a very distant world called hell >>

 Jérôme: << Hum... it's clear you don't care about me... well too bad I'm going to draw some water you can come with me if you want! >>

 Erasa: << ok I'm coming with you >> Jérôme looked at Erasa and saw that she only had her father's coat on her.

 Jérôme: << wait you won't go like that >> he ran into his room and came out wearing a little boy's outfit.

A black sweater and light white pants.

 Jérôme: << erasa.. wear this.. I wore these clothes when I was 13 but now they don't fit me anymore, but I'm sure they will suit you with your little girl body >>

 Erasa: << ok I'll put them on >> She took off the coat in front of Jérôme who shouted while being red as a tomato.

 Jérôme: << haaaaaaaa!!!! you can't change in front of me like that!!!!! >>

 Delete: << uh..?!>> Erasa didn't know what it looked like.

 Jérôme: << take this and go get dressed right away in your room!!! >>

 Erasa: << it's understood Jérôme! >>

 After changing, Erasa accompanied Jérôme towards the big river which was about 3000 meters from his home. The walk was quite long but Jérôme tried to pass the time by chatting with Erasa.

 Jérôme: << Hum... erasa, is that it? >>

 Erasa: << that's my name yes >>

 Jérôme: << you don't have a last name? >>

 Erasa: << like? >>

 Jérôme: << a respective family or representatives for example I am Jérôme Obra from the Obra family, you see? >>

 Erasa: << yes I see >>

 Jérôme: << So what is your last name? >>

 Erasa: << I don't have a last name, my name is just Erasa, but I have a ranking according to my level >>

 Jérôme: << a ranking according to your level? ... and what is it ? >>

 Erasa: << I am an arch demon the arch demon erasa >> following these words Jerome had a disapproving look and replied

 Jérôme: << why do you keep making fun of me to seem interesting? Demons do not exist, it is the great sorcerers who are often confused >>

 Erasa: << However, I am proof of the existence of demons... there are several categories >>

 Jérôme: << could you stop lying for a second? It's better when yesterday you didn't say anything >>

 Erasa: << Hm... very good since it's taken like that!! >>

 Erasa scowled.

 Jérôme: << wait a second, you must have fallen very hard on your head during the rain yesterday but if you are a demon go prove it to the great sorcerer Boaz no but!! >>

Erasa: << Boaz? Who is it ? >>

 Jérôme: << are you deaf? He is the greatest sorcerer who ever existed, he came to fool us all with his powers, he served us well before destroying our crops >>

 Erasa: << how did he do that? >>

 Jerome: << he cast a spell that completely covered the sky with an ultra bright purple that completely killed our plants... well it makes them toxic and this curse still affects some people who often die while eating the village plants and drinking the village water, this is why you have to go and get your food and water very far from the village! >>

 Erasa: << but why don't you just leave this village? >>

 Jérôme: << if it were that simple we would have done it, but it's impossible, Boaz has eyes everywhere, he's a very powerful sorcerer, I remind you >>

 After that, Erasa understood why the sky had such a dark purple color since his arrival.

 No one could see this energy which continued to gravitate in the sky because you had to have divine or demonic spiritual energy for that and Erasa is a demon which allowed her to see this easily but she preferred to say nothing and finally arrived at River.

 Jerome saw Erasa much too silent and she continued to stare at the sky.

 Jérôme thought that maybe it was his fault because he hadn't been very nice to her even if for him she lied too much, Jérôme left the water container and walked towards Erasa who was sitting on a rock staring at the sky

 Jérôme: << erasa is it okay? >>

 Erasa: << yes of course why are you asking me that? >>

 Jérôme: << just because you were a little too calm I thought you had a problem >>

 Erasa: << Hm... Jérôme >>

 Jérôme: << yes >>

 Erasa: << do you think that as a female demon I can accomplish anything on my own? >>

 Jerome after hearing this wonders why she kept saying it was a demon and why she was so insistent with it.

 Jérôme: << erasa are you really a demon? >>

 Erasa "of course"

 Jérôme: << it's impossible, demons do not exist, only the devil can be named like that because what we call a demon is bad and unscrupulous so erasa I ask you again now are you really a demon ? >> before erasa could respond, a massive explosion engulfed the area, leveling the trees with its titanic shockwave.

Jerome jumped on erasa and the two fell into the deep waters of the river then avoiding the damage from the precision explosion which reached the river and made gigantic waves the waves came out of the river so big that they were.

 Erasa and Jérôme arrived at the surface and emerged from the water in the distance, the damage caused by the explosion was monstrous, flames everywhere, large clouds of black smoke, Chao worthy of an apocalypse.

 Jérôme: << what's happening >> a second explosion appeared and took Jérôme by surprise the shock wave propelled him into the branches of the flaming forest which pierced his stomach he spat out some blood and started to bleed

 Jérôme: << boo... damn it hurts >> he tried to pull away but the pain was too intense he felt that it was over and that he was going to die as he looked down he saw erasa observing but in his fear of dying he did not realize that tears were flowing from his eyes, he also had things to say to erasa.

 Jérôme: << erasa!! I'm sorry there is unfortunately no way out for me kof kof... run away immediately don't stay there.. there may be other explosions approaching... if I'm going to die now and you don't do it it's certainly not a coincidence because you certainly have a role to play later even more useful than me whether you are a demon or not you are not evil that's why I refuse to believe that you are a demon erasa you are human with a pretty adorable face... go away, save everyone now!! >> said Jérôme crying

 Erasa remained indifferent and continued to observe him casually.

 The flames on Jerome's dry tree became brutal and began to consume Jerome who said nothing more but observed Erasa with dead silence and tears in his eyes then he closed his eyes and lost his life.

Erasa clapped her hands and the forest flames went out instantly, she used telekinesis to pick up Jerome's burned corpse and put it at her feet, then she used her dark purple spiritual energy which completely swallowed the body of Jerome, then the energy evaporated like smoke and Jerome came back to life.

 Jérôme, surprised, stood up: << What? But how am I here? Was it a nightmare? >> he looked around and saw the forest completely extinguished and full of steam he immediately understood that he was not dreaming he also saw erasa next to him.

 Erasa: << So Jérôme, what does it feel like to die? >>

 Jérôme: << eh?? I don't understand, how? Where do you come from? >>

 Erasa: << I just resurrected you, you died pierced and charred but I didn't react immediately because I wanted to know everything you were going to say, it's crazy, how a human before dying can say don't no matter what >>

 Jérôme at these words begins to blush like a tomato and adds.

 Jérôme: << mind your own business!! and if you are really a demon with magical powers try to find out what is happening in the village >>

 Erasa: <> with these words, wings similar to those of bats came out of Erasa's back, enormous wings with a wingspan of approximately 7 meters.

 She propelled herself into the sky. Jérôme didn't believe it for a second, he rather thought he was dreaming.

 Once at the height, Erasa observed at a glance what was happening in the village at 3000 meters.

 She saw that the village was attacked by knights and three huge dragons, one of which had 5 heads, Erasa got off the flight and joined Jerome.

 Erasa: << your village is attacked by knights, hundreds of knights and three dragons >>

 Jérôme: << shit? Each time the knights of Boaz come to collect our money as an offering but they are stupid, how can we earn money easily if our crops are now poisonous by the curse of Boaz? >> erasa watched him complain without saying a word.

 Jérôme: << eh erasa, can't you make them disappear for good? You have the power to resurrect you may be on the same level as Boaz >>

Erasa: << you want me to eliminate them all for you? >>

 Jérôme: << well no I don't want to die but for years they have been making us go through hell if you know what I mean but you know don't throw yourself at it you have nothing to do with that > > he held Erasa by the shoulders and added.

 Jérôme: << wait for me there don't move >> Then he starts running towards his village

 Erasa: << where are you going? >>

 Jérôme: << what a stupid question I am going to fight for my village >>

 Erasa found it courageous to see such a weak human rushing towards death like that.

 Instantly erasa catches him, surprised Jérôme falls to the ground

 Jérôme: << erasa, what are you doing >>

 Erasa: << What a stupid question, I'll help you Jérôme!! >>

 Jerome, surprised by what Erasa had said, began to cry

 Jérôme: << thank you very much erasa... this is why I still can't believe that you are really a demon erasa thank you!! >>

 Erasa: << take my hand!! >>

 Jerome grabs her hand and in an instant the two find themselves in the village where they can see dead people everywhere, cries of despair and the knights killing the last survivors.