Chapter 20: The Scent of Peace

Erasa: << Hmm... Jérôme?? >>

 Erasa was happy to finally see her people again after such a tough battle.

 Jérôme: << I was so scared for you, you can't even imagine >>

 Zémira looks at Erasa and says.

 Zémira:<< Hm... Embarrassing!>>

 Erasa touches Jérôme's back and takes it away from him.

 Erasa: << I still have a little thing to do! >>

 Jerome looking perplexed Asked.

 Jérôme: << what thing? >>

 Erasa widens the palm of her hand and says

 Erasa:<< "eradication"!! >>

 Everyone disappeared

 mysteriously (except Nehemi) all the multiverses present in the Giant dimension too. the giant dimension was completely emptied of its multiverses and everything it had inside.

 Nehemiah, frightened, cried out.

 Nehemi: << what did you do erasa? your friends, then you have

 did all this to kill them later? But what do you really want then demon >>

 Erasa looked at Nehemi with a disapproving look and listened to what she said without saying a word.

 Nehemi: << answer me! How can you do such a horrible thing, you eradicated them without the slightest hesitation, you are truly a... >>

 Erasa interrupts him to say.

 Erasa: << yes I eradicated them from existence, but they will not disappear because they are all saved in my being, I will bring them back but in a better world >>

 Nehemi: << What?? So why did you let me live? Are you planning to get rid of me for good? >>

 Erasa shakes her head.

 Erasa: << no... I have something to show you >>

 Erasa disappeared with Nehemi and

 appeared in the real world, with outfits adapted to this world, Nehemi and Erasa just looked like two women a teenager and a big woman, Erasa in view of her body looked like a teenager and Nehemi in view of her

 body also more developed than Erasa with a big chest looked like a

 big woman.

 Nehemi: << where are we? >>

 Erasa: << in the real world >>

Nehemi: << What? So, what world is the world we live in? >>

 Erasa thought and said.

 Erasa: << Hmm... a fictional world perhaps!! >>

 Nehemi << strange all that >>

 Erasa: << Hmm... not really, anyway I plan to wake you up

 completely later>>..

 Nehemi looks at erasa for a while and says in an embarrassed tone.

 Nehemi: << how can a being like you interact with us? You are equivalent to a god, an interaction is not simple logically! >>

 Erasa: << It's simple, the great demons are like the gods, they make a body shell that allows them to interact with the beings underneath without complications! >>

 Nehemi said with satisfaction.

 Nehemi: << I see, that would therefore mean that this body is a kind of fake, in short, what are we doing here? >>

 Erasa indicated where a

 newborn and said.

 Erasa: << with your powers and your perception you could easily recognize this baby, right? >>

 Nehemi looked deeper at the baby and said..

 Nehemi: << I'm dreaming... Boaz here? And why is he a baby, what is he doing in the real world? >>

 Erasa: << it was Galaad who reincarnated him here to give him the normal life he always wanted, I thank him very much >>

 Erasa folded her hands and closed her eyes, she seemed to be making a kind of prayer to thank Gilead.

 Nehemi: << So, Gilead wasn't bad?? >>

 Erasa stops her prayer and says.

 Erasa: << I'll explain everything to you later, now let's go, you can come see Boaz whenever you want >>

 Erasa and Nehemi disappeared again and found each other

 into nothingness...

 Nehemi: << where are we? >>

 Erasa: << we are in the outer void, I plan to create a world just for us now! >>

 erasa put Nehemi in a shield full of energy. Erasa reached out and threw a tiny fragment of energy which exploded and created the

 same countless number of multiverses that had disappeared from the Giant dimension.

 Erasa: << I shape this world first of all by including the laws of physics, and structural, so I allow it to be stable so that it does not evaporate later, let's add the mathematical concepts and the concepts of duality which will be propagated by the singularity from order and chaos, exactly like the world from which we come nehemi, and the final bouquet, I introduce the hastou energy which will be the fundamental energy of our world, so people elsewhere will not be able to hurt us because hastou is more concentrated energy than mana and other, what do you say nehemi?!>>

 Nehemi felt an energy that gave happiness and well-being within her and said.

 Nehémi: << wow the hastou is magnificent >>

 Erasa smiled and appeared on a planet where there were his people who were in joy still celebrating erasa's victory

 on Gilead >>..

 Nehemi whispered.

 Nehemi: << Do they know that they have been erased from existence? >>

 Erasa shakes her head

 Erasa: << not at all, for them they don't even know that they left the place where we were >>

 Nehemi: << wow... I think I'm crazy >>

 Nehemi knelt down with her right hand on her chest, she lowered her head in front of Erasa and said.

 Nehemi: << lord erasa, I would like to dedicate my life, no,

 my existence to serve you indefinitely please accept my request which will make me the greatest happiness if you accept it of course>>

 erasa smiled and said.

 Erasa: << it is understood, from now on you will be like Jerome, you would be my subjects eternally, you can stand up >>

 Nehemi gets up and hugs Erasa.

 Zémira pulled Erasa's outfit slightly and said..

 Zémira: << I hope I don't bother you? Come on Erasa, let's eat what your

 people cooked for you. You will enjoy yourself >>

 Erasa was heading towards this

 banquet and a huge party continued. Erasa felt like a god but

 did she know what she would face later....