Chapter 25: So he's my father? Lucifer!

the masculine form in erasa had certainly oppressed his feminine consciousness.

 She was certainly too easily influenced before having this form of djinn.

 Wamy extends his hand to Erasa and healing his wounds, Erasa smiled due to Wamy's kindness. She thanks him then they return to earth. Erasa with wamy's jacket which hides his penis and wamy at his side like a divine advisor but for erasa.

 Erasa resurrects everyone who was killed by his seizures and heals those who survived the seizures. Arlongue's bad behavior in erasa was knocked out leaving just kindness

 to express yourself.

 After all that Erasa looks at Wamy and tells him...

 Erasa: << I'm just going to stay in my world now and I'm not going to attack the Gods anymore. I make the promises and if I lie I myself will be disintegrated by my authority! >>

 Erasa was about to insert the pact for this but wamy stops him and says.

 Wamy: << no need, I trust you erasa >>

 he turns around to take off

 Erasa asks him.

 Erasa: << you are already leaving,

 Won't you celebrate with us? >>

 erasa's subjects seemed to be proud that everyone was back to normal, they considered wamy an ally.

 The subjects with all these emotions, did not understand if erasa was really one.

 ally for wamy from the beginning but they have trivialized this hypothesis.

 Wamy then says to erase.

 Wamy: << Not now, maybe next time!!!! >>

 Erasa felt a little sad and disappointed but accepted her decision.

 Wamy took off and returned to the realm of the gods.

 Erasa was looking in the direction where Wamy had gone. Then a portal opens behind her and from this portal, Nehemi, Zémira and Jérôme and his parents got out and saw Erasa staring at the sky almost naked with just a jacket which served as a cover-up..

 Jerome and Nehemi were rushing towards the erase in panic and demanding.

 Jerome/Nehemi: << Lord Erasa, what are you doing in this state? Get fucking dressed!! >>

 Erasa looked at them blankly, she wondered if wamy had them all

 faced at the same time, what would have happened? then she closed her eyes and said...

 Erasa: << certainly the same crushing defeat! >>

 Jerome: << what defeat were you talking about my lord? >>

 Erasa: << oops sorry, I'm a little absent, I'm going to take a shower and get dressed


 Nehémi: << but... why not have you cleaned and made to appear dressed by your powers? >>

 Erasa: << not this time, I prefer to do it the old-fashioned way... later will you explain to me how your mission was? >>


 Erasa entered her bathroom and continued to think..

 Erasa: << why do I feel so sad all of a sudden?? Is it the fact that Arlongue is muted, or that I lost? No, it's much more complicated >>

 A voice rang in his head saying...

~I'll explain to you~

 Erasa wondered what it could be, a hand grabbed her out of nowhere and knocked her into an indescribable space above all consciousness.

 The influence provided by this area made Erasa tremble.

 then made her fall to the ground.

 A silhouette formed from the mist and a large being (around 2m60) presents himself and says to erasa

 ~I'm so happy to finally see you in front of me~

 Erasa had never been so afraid before, for him, the world he found himself in

 was capable of eliminating him if he did anything and being in front of him was even worse than this world.

 Erasa: << who...who are you?? Please, I beg you, don't hurt me, I'll do whatever you want, but don't hurt me!! >>

 ~ erasa... fear nothing I am lucifer... The one and only, I am also your father, for you and you are my one and tender daughter~

 Erasa: << what? Really ? >>

 Lucifer~ << um... >>~

 he stretched out his hand and erasa no longer trembled, she was no longer afraid

 as if by chance...

 Lucifer ~<< I created you in Lilith's womb, unlike the other demons you are my child, I am your father and I asked Lilith to do so many things for

 that you come to me one day as soon as possible >>~

 Erasa stood up and said.

 Erasa: << I thought our father didn't favor us at all, I don't understand anything anymore >>

 Lucifer:~ << no, it's Azazel who does that, I am the most powerful fallen angel there is, I am the first son of God and the one who knows absolutely everything about him, after

 god, it's me, I am the absolute being but the problem is that I am very badly seen by others >> ~

 Erasa: << so you are my father? Am I your only daughter? Why did you create me? >>

 Lucifer:~<< For a specific purpose, and I wanted to know what compassion is >>~

 Erasa: << but why are you so mean to other creatures and creators?


 Lucifer:~<< uh... even my own daughter doesn't know what her father is like, what a disappointment! >>


 Lucifer:~<< a long time ago, I made humans commit sin by making them eat the forbidden fruit, well in a certain way, then I got a correction

 by my god, and being beaten by god is painful the only whip I had on my back made me shed tears for 1000 centuries... I had accomplices in there and we were all sent back to hell , hell was created by the whip of god with a single blow, suddenly created flames with a so-called temperature that transcends the concept of heat capable of charring the soul, body, spirit and even the story and the be without difficulty,

 there were 6 of us, I am the leader and Azazel was my henchman, I freed myself from the

 existing world and of all worlds as they are because I am ashamed...ashamed of having

 made god angry you know erasa, nothing is more generous than god, just like nothing is more cruel than him >>~...

 Clear: << a second, Azazel? who is it ? >>

 Lucifer:~<< Azazel is the one you thought was your father until now, Azazel is the 4th devil but the actions he provokes have been blamed on me since the beginning


 Erasa: << father, are there several devils? >>

 Lucifer:~<< yes, 6 in all

 I am the first then comes abadon where apollyon second then, belzebuth third, these are the absolutes those who are close to the level of god in

 the scale from 1 to 10, then comes

 Azazel fourth, lilith fifth and samael sixth... they are the rest and the weakest >>~

Erasa: << I see, father, who is Mü Thanatos? >>

 Lucifer:~ << Mü Thanatos is my little sister, 3rd daughter of god, she looks a lot like you you know? >>~

 Erasa: << yes I have the impression given what everyone says! >>

 Lucifer approached Erasa

 and hugged her. Erasa let go and closed her eyes.

 Erasa: << father, where are we here? >>

 Lucifer: ~<< We are behind the 3rd Suargaloka!!>>~

 Erasa: << why don't you try to come and live with me in my own kingdom yet? >>

 Lucifer laughs and says.

 Lucifer:~<< because I am ashamed, and afraid of father I am the only one he can strike with his own hands and I am also the only one who knows the pain that it brings, azazel and the others have goals precise like the revenge of Azazel who saw his

 first offspring getting killed by god because he was upset at the same time, this offspring didn't do anything right Lilith she's supervising them now >>~

 Erasa: << azazel is married to Lilith? >>

 Lucifer:~<< not really, azazel used to impregnate humans to create gigantic human offspring, and God didn't like that. Lilith is

 the wife of Adam but she was chased away by her bad behavior and became the wife of Samael the absolute prince of demons, By this, Azazel beat

 samael in a fight and took Lilith as the mother of his children now, I took Lilith as a vessel to keep you while I choose the right one

 time to finally see you. Lilith did so much for you and me to see each other >>~

 Erasa: << uh... father, where is Samaël? >>

 Lucifer:~<< after his defeat, Samael lost his body, he now lives only with his real body being in the neutral kingdom of Visnü!>>~

 Erasa hugged Lucifer and said.

 Erasa: << father, I feel so good with you, I wouldn't want to leave you for a second! >>..

 Lucifer looks at Erasa carefully and says.

 Lucifer:~<< poor little girl, you can be proud, I will always be with you now! >>~

 Erasa hugs Lucifer and smiles, then he remembers Wamy.

 Erasa: << oh, father who was this wamy? >>

 Lucifer:~<< wamy is a divine advisor, that of your aunt Mü Thanatos, he logically lives in the world of the gods, with the secondary gods >>~

 Erasa: <>

 Lucifer nodded.

 Lucifer:~<< yes, that's it!>>~

 Erasa's gaze was suddenly blank.

 Erasa: << father, I want to be more powerful, could you help me? >>

 Lucifer:~<< yes of course, you will have to deserve this power through suffering, tears and pain, I will be this suffering, these tears and this pain, for you to progress, I will become all your obstacles, but I am proud that it was just wamy that you faced, if it was anyone

 otherwise, he would have had no pity for you and would have killed you when they had the chance!>>~

Erasa: << the world I lived in is too risky, even in my own world I am not safe, but it doesn't matter, now I'm going to sleep a little before

 to go see my topics > >

 erasa snuggles up on Lucifer..

 Lucifer:~<< that's understood, so be it!!>>~