Chapter one

My name is Damel though all my six years of existence I've heard my parents and uncle Ivan call me Mel, I only learnt of my full name out of my curiosity same curiosity which led me out of our small wooden house late that morning into the wood one or two miles from the house. I knew how stressful its going to be for mother if she finds out am away from the wooden house, am worried about her health but am more curious about what's in the wood and needed to satisfy my curiosity.

Father leaves the house every morning into the wood and returns during midday with just wood and some fruits some times with dead animals for meat and mother would say nothing of it. But I can't step half mile from the wooden house and she would go mad in search of me calling my name out , I must say "it's really distracting sitting home alone and staring at an empty space".

The atmosphere was becoming dime and dime as I stepped farther into the wood until it is completely dark, I couldn't have imagined how dark the wood would be during the day. I just stood in the middle of nowhere hearing cries of all kinds maybe from different animals, the cries kept echoing In the empty wood frightening me but I guess that must be me crying since am the only one amongst the trees crying but the creeping and chirping sound of birds wasn't from me so I became even more frightened. I stepped backward to find my way home but stumbled upon a dry wood and fell to the ground covered with dead leaves.

I remained there on the ground unsure of what to do next. I really wanted to know what's in the wood and maybe see the ghost of Tsushima that lives in the wood,

I now believe the ghost is real but I don't want to see it anymore I just want to find my way back home.

Mel.... Me...l 

"That must be mother calling" I stuttered as I stood from the ground moving towards the direction of the call.

" Ma Mia.... " I screamed out so loud, almost draining the whole air in my lungs as I saw somebody running deep into the wood with a speed more like a cheetah, Mother told me cheatah is one of the fastest animal in the animals kingdom.

 "I guess that must be the ghost of Tsushima"I said inaudibly my legs trembling in fear, unable to move from where I stood.

Ma Mia.. ma Mia... Ma Mia..... I kept mumbling inaudibly, my body shivering in fright.

"Ghost.... " I screamed still unable to run as I saw someone approach at that point I made an attempt to run but got caught by on the shoulder the grip was really hard that I knew I can't escape ,I felt myself losing my breath. 

"Ghost Tsushima "

I managed to say as I saw that the figure holding me by the shoulder was that of a lady much like my mother's. 

"I warned you to stay away from this region "

I heard my mother say I looked up and behold it was really her , I quickly hugged her so tightly .

Ma Mia it's a ghost! I said faintly.

Mother could have slapped me but probably she saw how cold and frightened I was and and immediately jerked me into her arms and took to her heels, instantly I fell unconscious.