WebNovelDark wood47.37%

Chapter 9

 I continuously heard pesi barking I was too weak to go in search of her moreover I can't cross the sea since the barking seems to be coming from across the sea. I layed quietly on the rough sand cold and frightened.

 I felt a wet warm towel on my face and some how it tickled me forcing me to open my eyes.

Pesi was so busy licking my face in excitement as it saw my eyes opened

 "Hey pesi stop that!" I said weakly cleaning my face , I felt a hand on my forehead and tried jerking myself from the ground as fast as possible but got held back by a man.

 " Go easy boy". He said helping me sit up slowly. I got scared with the way he starred at me.

 " Please man don't kill me, ma Mia said am just seven. I don't want to die now!" I pleaded attempting to stand up probably to bail myself with my legs but unluckily I saw that we all were in a wooden object ma Mia called canoe during our lesson.

 "If we are on a canoe we must be on the sea ". I reasoned and looked down only to see that we were right in the middle of the sea, just by staring at the water the reflection of ma Mia as ghost Tsushima came back to my mind instantly.

 "Please spare my life Man!" I muttered in fright my whole body shaking as he held my shoulder.

 "Why do keep calling me man?" He asked his voice as loving as papa Jesse . I started crying remembering father must still be wandering in the wood looking for me what

"if something happens to him ?" 

 Hey calm down am not going to hurt you so you can stop crying.

 * Ma Mia said any human being just like uncle Ivan and papa Jesse is called a man "

 I said innocently not looking at him as I cuddled little pat. 

 Who is ma Mia, Papa Jesse and uncle eve.. what. 

" Uncle Ivan!" I interrupted him before he could even remember the name Ivan .

 My mother is my ma Mia, my father is my favorite papa Jesse, there also is my uncle Ivan, pesi and now my little pat. I stated innocently as I watched him smile at my every word with a look showing more of amazement.

 " So what exactly was a seven years old boy who doesn't want to die yet be doing in the most feared wood all alone?" 

 "I was in the wood with my father but then I went missing." I said not wanting to go in detail. 

 "So where do you live?"

 Man , I..

 "Hey boy call me lord zik and never." He warned with a stern look on his face.

 I simply noddled my head as beads of tears dropped on the canoe like a drop of rain.

 I waited for sometime to think of what to say to him but the sudden unfriendly look on his face got me talking. 

 "The wood house." I stated watching the confusion on his face .

 Until I come to understand you, you might have to stay with me until then. 

 Just then the man stopped peddling and got down from the canoe and helped me and my dogs get down also.

" Where are you taking us to?"

 "Th city!" He answered absent mindedly

 Shouldn't I be happy am finally getting what I had always wanted, at least I would get to know what the city looks like and how the humans in the city also looks like.

 "I want to go home!" I heard myself say as I fight hard to hold my tears and be the little brave man papa Jesse had always wanted me to be.

 "Apart from goddess Tsushima clan no other creature had ever lived in the wood and it's been four decade ever since goddess Tsushima and her clan were erased from the earth by lord zik clan never ever to exist again". I watched the proudness in his smile as fear gripped me. 

 " If he is lord zik that means he conquered the clan of ghost Tsushima" I reasoned remembering the story ma Mia told me about a lord who wanted all the powers of divine to rule every clan that existed on earth but ghost Tsushima refusing to be ruled by him was killed by lord zik who manipulated other clan including the clan of lord xlan the god of the wood. Lord zik being the god of prophecy predicted that goddess Tsushima who is the goddess of protection and love will turn against the whole clan on earth hating and destroying other gods. 

 That must have been the reason for her death and her restless soul that could torment any creature that goes into the wood.

 Now I see why papa Jesse keep telling me that man is evil. I must go with him , he might kill me and eat me just like uncle Ivan said also about lord zik.

 "I think I can find my way home now, thanks for helping me ". I said drawing backward .


"I see through the future but for the first time am unable to see through a creature until I finds out who you are and the kind of power you possesses you are all mine." He muttered drawing close to me.

 Leave me alone... I screamed with my eyes shut ,With just me screaming everywhere turned white as earlier and as I opened my eyes I saw his arm bleeding profusely as he drew back with a surprised look and suddenly gave a broad smile. 

 I knew I found something after seeing how the wild cat was turned into pieces.

 I took the first step backward the second one I took to my heel.

 I wondered how my tiny legs could carry me this fast since each time I looked back I saw he wasn't actually running infact he was flying, yet my tiny legs ran too fast that I could even take a break before I continue since he's still really far from me. 

 " How can I rest when am in danger" I berated myself and added more speed to ensure he's in no way close to me.