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chapter 13

"Mel wake up! " I heard ma Mia whisper in my ear and gradually I opened my eyes hoping to wake from the terrible nightmare I was having. So relieved it was just a nightmare I hugged her tightly not wanting to let go.

"I know you went through a lot there in the wood but Ma Mia is here for you now " she said, holding onto me tightly just as much as I was holding her ,in tears I looked up to catch the scary gaze of papa Jesse who stood right beside ma Mia.

Quickly I freed myself from my mother's hands and tearfully ran into the awaiting arms of my father.

" Papa Jesse am never disobeying you ever again." I muttered inaudibly.

" What ever thing you saw out there in the woods I believe you can conquer all of them ".

Are they being serious, I could never have been the monster in my dream, I thought silently gradually recurring being in the woods with papa Jesse before all of the incident.

I instantly fell to the ground in fear as I sighted pesi waddling it's tail as it entered the room along side puppy lucky.

" You are a monster don't come close to me ,papa Jesse.. help me that is not my pesi , it can speak. "

I mummbled with a trembling voice , just like one who has just recovered from amnesia I remembered my own ugly self.

" I can never be a mons... ter" I yelled loudly wishing I could erase every bit of my memory.

" You are not a monster " ma Mia muttered and adjusted to sit close to me but all I could see in her was ghost Tsushima.

Ghost.. ghost... ghost.. don't kill me.