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chapter 16

Haven lived for over ten thousand decades I knew after a god or goddess has been casted from the kingdom, the only way to prevent opposition in the kingdom was to have such god or goddess and they clans destroyed and another god taking over the power.

So I flew far from the kingdom with my clan and went into hiding, I was growing really fast as human and gradually I had my two decades as human and was set to be married just like other young human maiden.

"Isn't your father a god why would he let them cast you ma Mia? I chipped in angrily wishing I could see my supposed grandfather and question him terribly.

" Hey! listen to me" ma Mia said calmly taking my both hands.

"gods are never partial in their judgement irrespective of who you are. Rules are rules and who ever breaks it must be punished according to the law and I was never exempted from that law despite my father being the most feared and powerful god. "

With that she continued with her story this time wearing a little smile on her face unlike her initial expression when she started her story.

As I was saying before your interruption. Papa safari just like every earthly father would, he prepared all that was needed for me to be married off once a suitor comes around.

I was happy like every other normal human maiden would be but my spirit experienced so much uneasiness and fear because I know I was about causing havock in the kingdom.

A god or goddess messenger can live like a normal human and be married but never a god nor a goddess ,since it will be a threat in the kingdom.

Papa safari's life was also taken in order to stop the marriage, Living a life of human and a goddess wasn't easy as all powers were against me.

Depressed I left to

meet my messengers only to see that my clan has been destroyed and pesi and Ivan my second were the only ones left. Pesi was cursed to live for enternity as a dog and Ivan was drained of his power making him live as a human who is likely to die any time or day.

I couldn't recognize pesi at first until he spoke to me telling me all that happened I flew into the most feared wood to protect myself and friends because once am destroyed the perpetuality of human race would stop, thereby leading to the destruction of mankind.

For some reason I regretted my decision to be a human child, many of the things I valued that made me choose spending more decades than instructed has all been taken away from me including my clan.

Knowing the gods can't get to me with my dreadlock I decided to settle in the woods so my human body can rest.

With the help of pesi and Ivan I was able to find a quiet place where I mounted a wooden house big enough to accommodate three people.

I rested my human body and went out fiercely into the wood to protect it from intruder, it was while I gallivanted up and down the wood that saw group of human carrying a lifeless man socked in blood into the wood. At first they were scared of coming close to the wood so they threw him from afar and took off , that was in the dead of the night.

Wanted to destroy those wicked human but has no power to destroy and I decided to help the lifeless man.

What if I can't destroy? I certainly can give life.