"Have you run around enough? - Ingris said ironically, throwing a worried look at him. - You better eat, otherwise you'll lose weight from your stubbornness."

Kiri still accepted the treat from the hands of the fae, despite the fact that he was very angry with him for the kidnapping, but after two hungry days he had to send his dignity away. The fresh fish turned out to be well fried and very tasty, so much so that the young man licked his fingers.

"What do you eat? "- Kiri asked.

"Well, not the grass only! How could I grow up so gorgeous?"

"Controversial beauty!" — the prisoner decided to mock, knowing full well that he was being disingenuous.

The superbly built figure of the forest spirit was adorned with unknown elements of clothing, either leather or wood: a decorated belt was located on the hips, tightly covering the crotch, and wide bracelets with ornaments on the arms.

"So your villagers look better than me?"

"A-ah... no-ah! No one have the blue skin!"

"This color is called lavender, - Ingris noted indignantly and frowned. - Do I seem scary to you?"

"Creepy! — Kiri lied, looking away. - And your eyes… are just spooky!"

These words did not make the forest spirit laugh at all, and in retaliation for the mockery, he caused a short and rapid rain, which suddenly poured directly on the boy's head.

"You're not to be trifled with, I take it! — Kiri got angry, shaking off the heavy drops of water.

He would like to growl a few offensive words, but upsetting the forest spirit was fraught with danger. 

'I need to figure out something, but…?' - the prisoner thought deeply.

It is not so easy to concoct an escape plan, because of magical abilities of this guy deer. What will his parents undertake when Mali tells them everything? The whole village must be looking for him. In fact, rarely does anyone disappear in the forest. There are few predators here... a couple of bears and a pack of wolves.

"They won't find you, - Ingris grinned slyly, watching the young man. - No matter how many people pass here, they won't even notice this house. Because I control the space of this forest. I am the boss here!"

"What? — Kiri winced at such a statement. - What does all of this mean?"

"The fact that now you are invisible to everyone else. No matter how hard you try, wave your arms and shout at the top of your voice, no one will see or hear you!"

"Did I... die from the poison of this mushroom? Have I become a ghost?"- The boy got scared, slapping his hands on his body.

But he looked quite physical and his arms did not go through his body.

" Hah, why do I need you dead? - Ingris grinned. - If I don't touch you with love?"

" Are you going to touch me? What a freak! Do not even think about it!"

The fact that the deer guy can read minds really bothered Kiri. This means that he will not be able to plan his escape, even if he manages to get out of this trap.

"Yes, yes! Right! - the forest spirit slyly confirmed. - You can't just run away from me..."

"But it's wrong to forcibly keep someone nearby who doesn't want it. You are weirdo! You could have been kind to me first, and then..."

He fell silent, not knowing how to finish his thought.

"Well... finish! And then what? - Ingris grinned, revealing his white sharp fangs. - Will you wave your hand at me and go arrange your family life in the village? No! I'm not happy with this arrangement. You will get used to me, you will understand how wonderful it is to live with me and then you will never leave me."

"What am I going to do here in this boredom?"

"Is the forest a boring place for you? — Ingris was surprised. — What did you do in your village?"

"I have friends there... we fish together and collect berries and mushrooms, do housework, ordinary life."

"Well, the same thing will happen here - a happy family with me."

"At least I should have asked first, maybe I'm already taken?"

"Not you are not... - Ingris drawled confidently. - If this were so, you would be walking through the forest with your girlfriend, and not with your younger sister."

"This means nothing! My girlfriend could sit at home while I hunt for mushrooms here."

"However... you are not skilled to lie. Girls fall in love with you, but you don't. This is suspicious…"

"What are you hinting? — Kiri was indignant. - I'm not a pervert!"

"Won't you give me a chance?"

"You're an idiot? What the chance? - Kiri blurted out. - You're a guy, but you're also a deer! And not a human at all... How can you make such proposals? I won't have a wife and kids? Are you an idiot?

"So why haven't you gotten yourself a girlfriend? Any problems?"

"I haven't fallen in love yet, - muttered the young man, freezing from his wet hair. - This is not some trifle at all!"

Suddenly a warm wind blew and swirled around his head, pleasantly and gently drying his hair.

"Are you pretending to be caring? So there was no need to wet it with rain."

"Because you lied! — Ingris narrowed his eyes coquettishly. - I'm handsome , but you don't want to admit it!"

"This is called narcissism! - Kiri rolled his eyes. - When a guy is in love with himself! You probably often look at your reflection in a pond?"

Ingris snorted, his ears twitching nervously, he snapped his clawed fingers and the fabric on one part of the boy's pants suddenly burst.

"What kind of idiot!? — Kiri spread his hands in confusion, looking at his ruined trousers. - How can I sew this up now? I don't even have a needle and thread!"

"Remember! Every time you try to insult me, it won't add to your fun! Watch your manners!" - strictly note was sounded.

"Oh, what a sick self-esteem you have!" - Kiri clicked his tongue and began to think about how neatly to fix his clothes.

He twirled around, hoping to find some fiber to hold the edges of the fabric together, and pulled out a nearby grass stalk, laying it out to dry in the sun. 

Doing himself as busy making a needle from the bone of an eaten fish, the young man turned away from the kidnapper, who decided not to sit around in vain and soon disappeared somewhere on his own business.

"The fiancé he is! — Kiri grumbled under his breath. - Envy me everyone! He knows how to control the nature elements like some kind of god! Either he will cause fire, or the wind will blow! It rained on me! Jack of all trades! If I were a girl, I might be happy about such a marriage. So how am I supposed to please him? Is this horned creature going to squeeze me? Brrr... - his face twisted. - So bumptious! He brought me into his lair and is still bringing me up like a little girl. How infuriating!"