One morning Kiri woke up in a completely different environment: a different view from the window alarmed him to the point of fright: instead of the usual garden, there was a vast lake and bluish mountains visible in the distance.

"Ingris!" Kiri shouted and ran out of the unfamiliar house.

The deer guy was under the shade of one tall pine tree with a dreamy look.

"Where are we?" The boy asked looking around.

"Honeymoon trip... For a change of scenery!" Ingris said with a grin.

"How did you do this? You transported me while I was sleeping to an unknown place. I didn't even feel anything. I'm probably dreaming."

"Hmm... You're not sleeping... Everything is in reality, but very far from your homeland. I'm just showing off my talents so you can appreciate the benefits of living with me. Apparently the previous efforts were not enough to impress you."

"How is this possible?" Kiri continued to be surprised, gazing at the picturesque views, shivering from the morning coolness.

"I can go to any beautiful place of my Mother Nature without any problems. Check it out!"

"Very beautiful!" Kiri froze in prostration. "Does anyone live here? Same as you?"

"Why did you think so?"

"I have this feeling..." the boy admitted. "Someone is watching us... We are not alone here!"

"Hah! You have become more sensitive! Right! A triton lives here, the master of this lake..."

"Is he as lustful as you?" 

"A-ha-ha!" Ingris laughed heartily. "He has a harem of faithful girlfriends and boyfriends - his subjects. Do you think he is lustful?"

Kiri carefully peered into the distance of the wide lake, trying to see someone.

"His name is Erloky, he's shy about you, so he's hiding..." Ingris explained.

"Why is he shy?"

"His appearance is specific, so to speak..."

"Are there horns too?"

"He-he... not horns, but something else, well, it doesn't matter. We are his guests, so expect treats from the bottom of the lake."

"I want to look at him! Interesting!" Kiri perked up.

"Interesting, you say? Then call him by name, tell him that Ingris's chosen one wants to meet him," the fae squinted slyly. "Otherwise he won't come out thinking you're an ordinary human. You must assert your status that you are now part of our world, like my beloved."

Kiri could have considered Ingris's words a mockery, but curiosity tore him apart from the inside. He actually sensed somehow someone's presence.

"Erloky..." the young man shouted loudly. "Let me see you and get to know you..."

But the words had no effect and no one appeared.

"Tsk..." Ingris clicked his tongue in disappointment. "You don't listen to me, honey. The main thing was not said! Who are you? You definitely need to introduce yourself! And status! Do not forget about it!"

"Thus, I admit for my part that I am your delight..."

"Wrong conclusions... The title of a spouse is much higher than just lover, and if you were to marry me, none of the forest spirits need to be persuaded to appear in front of you, you would see them without problems."

"Do you want to say that my vision will change and I will begin to see more after intercourse with you?"

"A-ha-hah..." Ingris laughed, his eyes flashing brightly. "Well... perhaps... Actually, I would like more than just intercourse."

"Mmm... declarations of love?" Kiri suggested timidly.

"What do you think? Is there anything to love me for?"

"Yes," Kiri agreed. "You are a caring and affectionate tyrant. Any woman would be glad to have such a husband. But I am a guy and I myself would like to take care of a gentle creature weaker than me. That's how normal men do, isn't it?"

"I see... but are you sure that this weak creature you chose as your wife will reciprocate your feelings, maybe she will just pretend all her life that she loves you. This happens and you will never know the truth, whether a person is sincere..."

"My parents definitely love each other. I grew up in a warm, harmonious relationship between a married couple. It is incredibly pleasant and reliable to live in normal conditions."

"And the harmony is possible between us... agree that I inspire you with my actions, just as you inspire me with your existence, Kiri..."

Ingris's eyes suddenly became moist and a tear rolled down his cheek from the black pool.

The young man blinked frequently in confusion and shouted:

"Erloky! I am Kiri, the husband of Ingris, and I would like to meet you."