Kiri said his name and shook his head.

"It's a pity... you're handsome!"

"Do you think so? And I don't like my appearance."

"Why? Such expressive eyes, a wonderful image of a rainbow dragonfly... Kiri... I really like you! Is it possible to make friends with you?"

"Don't you have any friends?"

"Yes... why are you so sad? Did someone leave you?"

"Do you know Ingris?"

"Yes... He and I, you know... sometimes we had fun... I haven't seen him for a long time. So he was busy with you all this time?"

Kiri sighed heavily after the unexpected revelations of his new acquaintance and blurted out with tears in his eyes:

"So Ingris lied to me that he couldn't find a mate? He took advantage of me and dumped me! He forced me to have intercourse for six months and left me as soon as he got it! As a result, I lost my human appearance and turned into some kind of scum!"

"Oh, what are you talking about? Riu was alarmed. " Don't talk about yourself like that! You are handsome!"

He hugged Kiri sympathetically, pressing boy's head to the chest.

"He couldn't leave you! Something happened to him!"

"How? How can I become human again?" Kiri continued to sob. "I don't want to be that creature!"

"I don't know... I've never had such a desire. I've always been like this... Don't cry! You will get used to it, and we will find Ingris together..."

"I don't need him at all... he dumped me and okay, I don't want to see him anymore!"

"I can take you to our OverLady Imralin..." suggested Riu. "She probably knows where her husband is…"

"Husband? So is he married?"

"Well, perhaps... they are in a state of divorce, since he is so keen on you. She could have taken revenge on him for such behavior. It's unpleasant when this happens. Normal reaction for powerful Lady…"

"Is she so strong?" Kiri was puzzled.

"Yes, she has a whole army of loyal servants. They could well have arrested him and thrown him into prison on her instructions."

Riu concentrated for a couple of moments and confirmed his version:

"This is true! I contacted my friend, the cat-boy Zoeh, who sits at the feet of the Lady, and he assures: Ingris is locked in magical chains deep underground and access to him is blocked. That's why you don't hear each other with your mind. He didn't leave you!"

"And now what can I do?" Kiri blinked his eyes.

"It's up to you. If you love him, then save him, bow to Imralin and bargain with her about his release. If you don't need him, stay here... but you still won't be able to return to the human world. You will remain in the world of spirits forever."

"Then take me to her... I'll consult with her on what I should do next. Or is she villainess?"

"No... not she is not evil, but domineering. She is the Mistress of the entire world of forest spirits and solves our problems and destinies. There is no need to be afraid of her..."

Kiri suddenly felt a strong surge of bloodlust while he warmed himself up in the arms of his new friend and could barely restrain himself from biting him.

"Oh, your eyes lit up!" Riu noted ironically. "Do you want to drink my blood? How touching!"

"Sorry," Kiri muttered. "Is it that noticeable? I accidentally became a vampire, but I don't want to bite anyone..."

"I don't see anything terrible in this," the new friend grinned. "I am pleased that you want to taste my life force. This is normal for us, there is no need to be shy. If you're that hungry, bite me… don't feel sorry, considering how much I like you... Kiri..."