"Then why are you asking for him to be released? Do you care what happens to him next?"

"I feel sorry for him..."

"It's a pity? How strange to hear this! After all, he forced you to accept his passion. You tried to escape many times, didn't you? You can't hide anything from me, you don't need to pretend... you have feelings if you feel sorry for him..."

"I was pleased that he loved me... in his own way. Although we are of different origins... Ingris for me is so wild and unpredictable. Yes, I accepted his passion, but this does not mean that I have reciprocity. Just gratitude for the unusual experience. I would not like to stay here and yet I ask you to let him go."

"Sly!" Imralin concluded. "I see right through you, no matter what you say. You have feelings for him, otherwise you would not have come to me with a bow and would have continued to hang around the forests without his participation. In fact, the horned one ate your heart! You can't live without him! You're afraid of hurting my pride by claiming that you don't love him. I won't let Ingris out! Let him suffer in bitter loneliness in strong confinement for abandoning me... until you begin to serve me as I demand..."

"And what are your requirements?"

"Oh, here it is, your hidden confession... are you ready to do anything to free Ingris?"

Kiri could not answer or object any more, realizing that he had again fallen into the trap of a stronger creature. It is simply impossible to fight with such insightful power - the OverLady of the world of spirits and all that remains is to submit.

"How should I serve you?"

"I will allow you to see Ingris... and then you will learn about my demands..."

He fell deep underground into a den dimly lit by barely swaying blue gas and found Ingris sitting against the wall with shackles on his hands and feet, his eyes closed.

"Kiri! You came to me?" the prisoner perked up, throwing his horned head back.

His crimson pupil discs flashed brightly on the black sclera.

"Do you recognise me?" the young dragonfly whispered, dropping to the floor in front of him.

"Of course I do, my sweetie. You have changed a lot... I missed you so much..."

"Do you like the way I look now?"

"Kiri... I like you in any form... because I love you..."

"You lied to me... that you couldn't find a mate... it turned out that you were married to Imralin..."

Ingris shook his head guiltily and blinked his eyes.

"I divorced her when I started dreaming about you... she didn't forgive me for this, she considered me cheating..."

"You have already had numerous connections with other spirits... and I am your next adventure. Why do I need such a relationship?"

"Everything is not as you understand! All these connections are for the exchange of energy and vitality. It's like food! Some creatures make a couple, but others don't... preferring fresh blood... I offered you marriage, which means sincere feelings for you, special feelings... that I want to share eternity with you, and not with Imralin. This does not at all mean fidelity in intimate matters... but I didn't date anyone while you were getting used to me... I'm tired of waiting for you to reciprocate my feelings, I forced you... I can't stand refusals."

"So what now? You are being punished by your wife for your infidelity. What will happen next? I'm not going to comply with her conditions for your release."

"But for some reason you came to her to find out where I had gone. You care, right?"

"Actually... I wasn't going to look for you when you didn't come back one day," Kiri admitted. "Your friend Riu told me about your imprisonment. I came to say goodbye to you..."

After these words, Ingris began to breathe noisily, shedding tears and twitching in his shackles.

"No!" his indignant roar rang out. "Do not leave me! Did you choose him? Is Riu better than me?"

"I would choose freedom. Now you yourself are in my place... finally understand how much pain and hopelessness you caused me..."

"I hoped for reciprocal feelings and took care of you!"

"So I didn't ask for this! Let me go…"

An unimaginably loud cry of despair pierced Kiri's ears and he covered his ears with his hands and closed his eyes. He was hit by a hot, humid wind after the clap. 

The young man opened his eyes - there was no one in front of him, Ingris disappeared, leaving behind only a flowing thick bluish haze.

Kiri sat in the darkness for a long time wondering what had happened, but soon his new friend appeared and pulled him through space to the surface of the earth to the edge of the forest.

"What happened to the prisoner?" Riu asked puzzled.

" I don't know what kind of trick it is?" Kiri shrugged. "Ingris just disappeared after a loud bang."

"Loud bang? Did you say something to him?"

" I rejected him..."

"Oh…" Riu said sympathetically. "It must have been cruel... right away... I don't feel his presence anywhere..."

"What do you mean by this?"

"I'm afraid... that Ingris destroyed his shell because of your refusal... you broke his heart... This happens..."

"What!?" Kiri sank to the ground in confusion. "He died?"