Mr. Wuzzy Gives You Money

Rowan sighed and only packed up lightly. He was holding the brush, but there was no paint on it yet. However, he had to deal with the retractable cup for the water. The hospital didn't let him work with traditional oil paint and thinner, so the alternative Reeva got him was water-mixable instead.

The two children hurried into the room and chose their own seats on his bed. The nurse walked inside to make sure nothing bad would happen, leaving another person outside. When Rowan noticed there was a fourth person, that was the only time she walked inside to smile strangely at Rowan. After all, she seemed to be aware of something a regular friend shouldn't be.

There was nothing her sister did that Blanche didn't know.

"Mommy, we found him! He's here!" The girl cheered again as if one time of announcing his presence was not enough. She even sat with her legs crossed on the bed. Her brother only perched on the edge and rested his head on his cuddly bear.