
"You have five seconds to tell me why I should care about you." Rowan snapped at the caller. Then again, he didn't hear Scott's snark voice or his scoff. What answered him was a little boy's whimper. Rowan suddenly stopped walking. "…this isn't Scott…"

["…Mr. Red, can you fetch me?"]

"Avery? Why do you have Scott's phone? Where are you?" Rowan wanted to return to the café to drag Blanche to where her son was, but he decided against it. He just walked to a bus stop in case he could hop into one to where the child was calling from.

The little boy took a few seconds to answer. He even sounded very scared as if he was so vulnerable without Mr. Wuzzy protecting him. "I don't know where I am, Mr. Red. I only have this phone because I… I took it from Big Brother when he wasn't looking."