Ventrescu of the Four Elements

"Connie Olson is not Rowan Mercer's love; she was even the reason he broke up with his by-then boyfriend. Then, he vanished three years ago, only to resurface as a painter of Pareidolia's art gallery." The partner sent another file. "You can check with the others. Connie Olson is nowhere to be found again. Be careful. If you stepped wrongly, you might end up dead."

"…what is this?" The younger detective couldn't help but show the horror in his voice. His fingers trembled, and he would even throw the phone away if he could.

Levi's eyes couldn't leave the photo last sent to him. His partner had already left without a word, so Levi had no one to explain what he was looking at. It was supposed to be the [Sunken Ophelia] everyone was talking about, but in that dim-lit waiting room, it was nothing more than a painting of a dead woman—a dead Connie Olson.