A Bitter Smile for the Bitter Truth

Soon, they reached the place where they started. On the side, behind the stage, were a few people waiting for them. The ones who stayed there had already left through the new path, and it was Rowan's group's turn to go through the dark and earthy hole. However, glow sticks were stuck to the walls to help the people find the path. 

It was a scarier walk, but the noises of the people managing their escape made it better. Rowan's ears were just too clogged by the sound of his denial to hear them clearly.

The light soon drew from the horizon, and the sirens of the police, ambulances, and the fire department made the people walk faster. The rescuers went to fetch the overly injured again, but Rowan and Duke went straight to an ambulance where Reeva was standing around. Instead of the same fierce director earlier, what came to Reeva's sight was the downcast puppy incarnate.