
"I'm Max, and I've got an idea I'd like to propose..."

"Yes, I'm listening..."

"I understand the significance of enabling the computer to understand the fundamental principles of logic, especially in the context of proving mathematical theories. If we could achieve that then computers should be better than a human."

"That should be the case", The professor nodded in agreement

"I'm sure that you have already tried creating theorem-proving models using AI. However, I'm curious about the methodology for ensuring the correctness of these models?"

The professor leaned in, stressing the importance of their work. "Verification's vital. We start with manual checks to ensure our theorem-proving models are spot on."

Love for the project was visible in the Professors' expressions. His hands were jazzing around, pure joy on his face. It was like the project had him on this crazy high.

"Then, the models refine themselves, learning from past proofs. It's an ongoing process. We've cracked simpler proofs but for more complex ones it gets lost in the logic."

I took a beat, figuring out how to dress my words.

"Professor, I am the owner of a company called Dreamland Net, and I have created an efficient way to connect pre-trained AI systems with genetic AI algorithms. "

Professor Buzard kept his cool, but I could sense a spark of curiosity flickering to life.

"I named it PT-GAI, Pre-Trained Genetic Artificial Intelligence, but you could just as easily flip it to Proving Theorems with Genetic Artificial Intelligence."

The professor let out a chuckle at that twist of the acronym.

"And how would it be different from what we're doin' right now? You wanna pre-train it with the mathematical logic and then create a model by teachin' it based on the existin' proofs, yes?"

"Not exactly. My main idea is to have two separate models."

"One trained on mathematical logic and the other trained based on mathematical proofs. Finally, we could use 'em both in combination, blend 'em in a genetic pool, see what comes out on the other side."

"You mean to say there would be no need for manual verification?", Professor Buzard quickly caught on.

"This way the AI can evolve billions of times faster. Not to sound harsh, but I really don't think you're gonna hit that kind of proving power without changing the approach"

"You're definitely onto somethin'. I'd like to hear more from you. Can you drop me your email? I'll get in touch after the competition. Focus on that first, mate."

After laying out my credentials, Professor Buzard gave me a handshake, he clearly took me seriously.

Leaving the lecture hall, Nadya, Isaac, and I left the campus. London Eye was the move, but it was late already, and it was quite a long way from the Imperial College. Had to throw in the towel, so we switched gears and hit up the Victoria and Albert Museum instead.

Nadya, with her Sherlock-level eyes, was breaking down each piece like it held the keys to the universe. Isaac, on the flip side, was trying to suss out if the sculptures had some secret gadgets or trapdoors stashed away. 

Somewhere along the way Isaac got lost in one of the corridors and we spent 15 minutes looking for him. 

Eventually, we tracked him down, and Isaac just shrugged it off like it was all part of the plan. 

He decided to roll the dice and pulled a King Arthur move with a sword in a stone exhibit. Nadya, quick with her wit, said,

"If that works, I'm claiming the crown. Queen Nadya's got a nice ring to it, right?"

Isaac wrestled with the sword, and we all cracked up, picturing the madness if he actually pulled it off.

After this short chill-out session, we got back to the campus. It was time to get some rest. The competition was set to begin tomorrow at 1 PM.

Will sat there in his book, we threw the invite his way to roll with us, but he wasn't feeling it. Well, shit... his loss. More fun for the rest of us.


"Aaaaaaaaa! I'm changing it, I am, right now!" I busted into the settings, swiftly swapping out that pain-inducing ringtone for something more chill when I got a message.

I cracked open Messenger, and guess who slid into the chat? Railey, the girl from earlier in the day.

'Hey! I got a free room now. Let's meet up. I'll show you my stuff.'

'kk. What's your room number?'



As I made my way out of the room, she hit me with the laughing emoji.

The fourth floor it is, just a couple of flights up.

I quickly found the room and knocked on the door.


"Come in!"

I eased the door open, letting it swing slowly, and to the left, there she was—Railey.

She sat there in front of a notebook, she wore snug black jeans that seemed to have struck a perfect deal with her curves and matched the color of her hair.

A thin brown sweater hugged her frame just right, and you couldn't help but notice the effortless coolness in her style.

And there it was an empty chair chillin' right next to her, the room holding her creative breath...

As if waiting for someone to step in and join the dance of ideas.

To the right, a pair of beds snuggled up, flanked by bedside cabinets and a shelf hanging tight against the wall.

It was kinda cozy...

She turned towards me and wore a gentle smile.

"My roommate is out. She will probably come back late. From the little time I spend with her, I got the feeling she likes to party..."

I slid on over and took the seat right next to her.

"ok. Show me what you have..."

Railey grinned and began, "So, check this out. This website here? It's all about minimalism meets functionality. See how the colors blend? it's not just about looking good; it's about guiding the users. And this button? It took me a minute to nail down the perfect shade."

Her smile was contagious and there was a certain playfulness when she spoke.

"Now, this app tackles the issue of water pollution."

"Smooth user flow, intuitive design. I wanted every tap to feel like second nature. And hey, won a competition for this one. Best user interactions, you know?"

I listened to her attentively as she scrolled through another design, laying it out.

"This is a bit experimental. I was going for a vibe that's both edgy and user-friendly. Challenges the norms a bit."

Seeing what she brought to the table, I was sold. The way she spoke about her designs, made me excited.

"Railey, this is frickin' nuts! Especially that fluid design idea on the last one—it's sexy. So, what do you reckon needs a touch-up in my app?"

I pulled up GAI Weather on my phone...

Railey leaned in real close. After a beat, she hit me with some wisdom, "You know, it's solid, but you should really tweak how the data is displayed. The purpose is professional. So we should make it cleaner."

"You're the real deal. You should definitely create something for my app. I believe that your touch will take it to another level"

"For real? I'm down. I'll make a sketch, and see how it vibes. We're in this together now.", she laughed

As Railey grabbed her notebook, our shoulders brushed, We were in sync, huddled together over ideas.

We also got into the nitty-gritty of how the app's holding up overall. Railey tossed out the idea of jotting down its performance now and doing a side-by-side when the design gets updated.

Leaning over the screen, the room got cozier. It was like we were on our own creative turf, just me, Railey, and the pixels.

As time went by Railey seemed to inch a bit closer. It was as if she wanted the atmosphere to get more intimate.

I could feel her warmth. Her breath occasionally brushed against my ear. The room seemed to shrink as our knees met and wobbled.

Eventually, she got so close and private that I could catch a glimpse of her perfectly round breasts through that thin brown sweater. 

It was a professional meeting! I ignored it... letting my male instincts maintain control over my better judgment.

But Reiley, at that very moment, decided to up the ante. She put her hand on my thigh and her lips close to my ear, and in a sultry tone, she whispered:

"You know, changing the color of those pixels can bring a whole new vibe to this. Let me get up close and personal with the details. I'll walk you through where the magic happens"

I couldn't help it, there was something intrinsically erotic about her blend of professionalism and forwardness.

It aroused me! Little Max got excited and the mast was raised.

Her hand slid up from my thigh across the front of my shorts, her gentle fingers squeezing my swollen erection.

"Railey...", I was left speechless for a moment. I never saw that coming; she was unexpectedly open to more intimate activities.

"Shhh", She nibbled into my ear, "My touch might just elevate a few other things to a whole new level too..."

Her fingers found the button on the top of my shorts and undid it. Then she found the zipper and slowly slid it down. Her cool hand quickly reached inside and wrapped itself around me.

"Wait...", I said while holding her hand

She pulled away, stood up, and in one smooth motion, she lifted the thin sweater she wore up over her head. 

To my surprise, she wore nothing under the sweater, not even a bra. She gazed at me, smiling, as she moved her hand slowly from her chest to her belly, down to the button of her jeans.

"No way! Halt! I've got a girlfriend!" I declared firmly, but the words carried a twinge of pain from my brain all the way to my cock.

She hastily threw her sweater back on, and suddenly, the atmosphere got uncomfortable.

"How can you be so upfront? I didn't even have a chance to process, and now I've seen... well, you know!"

"Well... it doesn't matter. Let's just sweep it under the rug," she said, but her face was visibly painted in crimson.

"I still wanna drop some money for your design, Railey..."