Around The World

10 November 2023, Frankfurt, Germany

Professor Frohlich had been confined to a hospital room for days, battling the debilitating effects of Parkinson's disease.

His normally agile mind had become burdened with the limitations of his ailing body.

On one particularly gloomy morning, Professor Ivic, a colleague known for his relentless dedication to the field, arrived at the hospital.

Ignoring the stern warnings from the doctors and nurses, he insisted on visiting Frohlich.

"Professor Ivic," the stern-faced doctor implored, "you can't go in right now. Professor Frohlich needs rest, not visitors."

But Professor Ivic, holding a thick stack of papers that he believed held a groundbreaking mathematical discovery, was undeterred.

With a sense of urgency that few could match, he brushed past the medical staff and barged into Frohlich's hospital room.

Frohlich lay in his bed, his once steady hands now trembling from the Parkinson's tremors.