Subcompany and Waves

I looked at Olivia, smiling, "She is definitely beautiful."

Olivia slowly turned her gaze in my direction, her expression slowly shifted, and after a moment, she burst into laughter.

My intimate relations with Olivia were not a topic I wanted to discuss with her parents, so I skipped the subject and poured myself and the rest some coffee. We sat down for dessert.

A few minutes later, there was only coffee left.

James and I found ourselves engrossed in a more serious discussion.

"James," I began, "I've been studying the details of optic nerve regeneration post a full eye transplantation."

James looked at me intrigued, "Regeneration of the optic nerve? Why are you interested in that? What does it have to do with quantum physics?"

Well... it does have a lot to do with Quantum Physics, but I didn't want to get into that.