New Facility and Forum

Mr. Henry chuckled as he responded, "Professor Sullivan, your mind seems to never rest, does it? What kind of facility are we talking about?"

I explained to Mr. Henry, "I'll need a portion of the fusion engine's output to maintain monopoles in a constant, controlled motion in the new facility."

"What is that going to be for?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

With a confident smile, I replied, "I'm working on a new type of cable. It's an experimental project. I have a certain theory that I want to put to the test."

Mr. Henry nodded understandingly and suggested, "We should head to an office to discuss the details."

He turned to Mrs. Hayes and inquired, "Is Mrs. Hayes also interested?"

Mrs. Hayes looked at me and asked, "Can I join?"

I replied with a smile, "Yes, of course. If you want to."

We made our way upstairs, entering a more secluded office.