Successful Entanglement

I left Coelus and arrived back in Boston. As I stepped out of the wardrobe, the familiar sounds of the television and the murmurs of my parents reached my ears.

It seemed my dad had returned from Chicago, but he brought my mom this time.

Entering the living room, I greeted them, "Good morning. I see you're back, Mom. How do you feel?"

She responded, "I'm feeling very good. And I can see you too."

I asked, "Can you see my face too?"

She explained, "No, it's all blurred. But it's still a huge improvement from being completely blind."

I nodded, acknowledging the progress.

Turning to my dad, I asked about Oliv, "What about Oliv? Did she leave?"

He replied, "She said she's going out with her classmates at the university. She'll be back early afternoon."

I nodded, making mental note of her schedule, "Alright then. When she comes back, tell her I'll be there before evening."