As I demanded answers, the man in the white coat simply nodded. "Sure, Max. Follow me," he said calmly.

I trailed behind him, my mind a whirlwind of emotions.

The corridor we traversed was vast, stretching out seemingly endlessly. It was undoubtedly part of a circular spaceship, its dimensions so massive that the curvature was barely perceptible.

After what felt like only seconds, we arrived in another room. Inside, I spotted several stations akin to the one where I had woken up, each occupied by members of my family.

Oliv was the first to notice me. With tears in her eyes, she rushed forward and enveloped me in a tight hug.

Relief flooded through me at the sight of her, but my joy was short-lived.

Immediately, I noticed the absence of Veronica, her mother, and Rick.

"Where are Veronica and Rick?" I demanded.