As faith has it

  Somewhere in the City of Seattle, inside a shopping mall was Morgana, She wore a pink top with black pants, the same as some of the girls in the shopping Mall. This was the only place that could hire. Relocating from New York to Seattle wasn't such a great idea but it was the only thing she could do to save her baby and herself.

  It was impossible to land a good job, especially when she mentioned her current state. The manager of this mall was in desperate need of new sales persons so she was able to get a job here thanks to that. It isn't easy but she has to put up with it. 

  She is living in a one-room apartment, it's small but it's okay for now. The money she gets from her job goes to her savings, she is saving for the arrival of her unborn baby, She doesn't want her baby to lack anything.

  She was helping a woman choose what she wanted to buy, "What do you think of this one? It will suit you, this is going to bring out your beautiful curves."

  "You think so? I don't want to look too desperate tonight. I'm going to meet someone whom I hope will end up being my boyfriend after this dinner date tonight." The replied, Morgana curved her signature smile, She has heard words like that a lot and she knows how to reply to such words.

  "Your date is going to be too stunned to speak when he sees you and trust me you won't be looking desperate at all you'll be looking appealing. He won't be able to get his eyes off you." 

  "Are you sure?" The woman was still in doubt.

  "One hundred per cent sure, I'll pick the perfect shoes, bag, and jewellery for you, Don't worry just leave it all to me." 

  The woman agreed, she left the fate of her date in the hands of Morgana. After what seemed like forever, she came back with the perfect shoes, bag and jewellery that fit the dress.

  "Try this one ma'am, you'll see how beautiful it'd look on you." The woman nodded and left for the changing room, She stepped out fully clad in the dress and indeed it looked good.

  "You were right, it does look good, thank you." She smiled.

  This is her daily routine, it's either she receives praise from the customers who come here or she gets treated badly by the ones who think they are high and mighty.

  "Morgana, the manager wants to see you." Her colleague informed. 

  "Okay, thank you." She had a bad feeling about this, her palm suddenly became sweaty. She shut her eyes and opened them again, she had to calm her heart before going to his office.

  After a gentle knock, she was told to come in, "Good afternoon Ma'am," she bowed down.

  "Good afternoon Morgana. I'll go straight to the point. How long have you been working here?" The manager asked.

  Morgana raised her head and met her eyes, "five months ma'am." She replied

  "I see, We've just opened a branch of this mall and we are looking for sales persons, I want you to be part of the sales team in that branch." The manager revealed.

  She breathed out, It isn't something to be scared of, she was worried over nothing. She doesn't mind being transferred to another town, she has no problem settling in.

  She smiled, "I'll be happy to go work in the branch ma'am."

  "Great, next week you'll be going to New York where our branch is. I've already sent your information to the manager over there, there's no need to worry about anything. I've settled all that needs to be settled."

  The moment she mentioned New York, Morgana's head went blank. She ran away from that town because she was scared of getting killed by her ex-husband and here she is going back there.

  "Ma'am, did you say New York?" She asked just to be sure.

  "Yes, I said New York. Any problem? You should know that you can't reject this offer."

"Ma'am I can work anywhere except for New York, I can't go there." 

  "There's nothing I can do about it, I've already sent your information and the boss has seen it already, he is expecting you there. You can't reject this offer, Morgana." The manager said.

  "What happens if I don't go there?" 

  "You'll lose your job here and you know that no one would want to hire a pregnant woman. Your baby bump is already showing. No one would want to risk their Job to hire you, you can only work here Morgana, You choose, you accept to go there or you lose your job." 

  Morgana stood dumbfounded and confused, What should she do? Accept the offer or lose her job? 'I can't lose this job but yet again I can't let him see me. He might see me, what will happen if he does?" She thought, her toes which were hidden behind her shoes curled up.

  "Make your decision Morgana, I don't have all day here. I have other things to do with my time." Came the voice of her manager breaking her from her train of thoughts.

  With no other choice, she accepted the offer. She can't lose her job, it's the only thing she has right now. "I accept ma'am." She mumbled.

  "Good, remember next week you'll be going to New York. Go back to what you were doing." The manager said, she nodded and left.

  "I guess there's hiding from you, but I'll make sure you don't see my baby. I'll protect her from you, she doesn't need a father like you." She returned to what she was doing.

  One of her colleagues called her, She is the only friend Morgana has here at work and their relationship ends here, it doesn't go beyond the doors of this shopping mall. She doesn't want to have a friend. She has always lived her life like that and she liked it, people don't stay loyal forever, she has experience it first hand in hands of her ex-husband.

  "Why did the manager call you to her office?" Her colleague asked.

  "I've been transferred.." she trailed.

  "What?!" Her colleague yelled, she quickly lowered her voice the moment she yelled.

  "Yup, I've been transferred to New York." 

  "Last I remember, you don't want to go to New York... What are you going to do?"

  "What is there to be done? I have no choice but to go there. I don't want to return to New York but as faith has it."...