I'm here to stay

Morgana was going through her closet looking for what would fit Phoebe when she felt too strong muscular arms circle around her waist. She acts as though she doesn't feel anything, she continues ruffling through the closet looking for the perfect dress for her.

"You look mad, did I do something wrong?" Maxwell asked, he placed his head on her shoulder.

"You didn't."

"Looks like I did, tell me what I did so I'll make amends." He turned her to face him, and she sighed.

"Like I said, you did nothing wrong, please I need to go back to what I was doing. Let me get your friend something nice to wear." She pushed his hands on her waist. Maxwell pulled her back but not roughly, he knew better.

"Is it because of what Phoebe said? Trust me it's all in the past, I'm over how now plus I have you, I want you and only you M."

"I didn't say anything did I? Even when you offered her a room in this house without consulting me first I didn't say anything, I mean if I have anything to say I can say it after all the house is mine." She rolled her eyes and pushed his hands again.

Maxwell pulled her back, and this time he held her waist firmly, "M I didn't think it was necessary, I mean you didn't complain when I agreed to let Trevor stay here."

"Maxwell Trevor is different, Trevor wasn't your first love or was he?"

"Okay fine, I'm sorry. And about what said earlier I'm sorry, I said it without thinking, Trevor was getting on my nerves. He has never liked Phoebe, he would always pick finds with her." The look on Morgana's face told him that he was making the situation worse, he released her waist and took her hands instead, he guided her to the bed and made her sit on it.

"M, I love you and only you, no matter what, I'll never leave you. The feelings I had for Phoebe were all in the past, you are my present and future, what else can I ask for when I have you? You have me wrapped around your finger M, I mean I can't even control myself when I'm around you, doesn't this tell you something?"

Morgana bit her inner jaw feeling guilty for getting angry at him, he was right, 'he only has an eye for her and this girl won't come in between them, right?'

She hugged him, she couldn't say anything so she let the hug speak what was in her heart. Maxwell lowered his head and kissed her, she parted her lips giving him entrance into her luscious lips. He sucked on her bottom lip while she sucked on his upper lip.

"Fuck M, you drive me crazy." He muttered and resumed kissing her, he couldn't hold on any longer, the little string keeping him sane had snapped.

The room wasn't soundproof, Phoebe could hear Morgana's loud moans, her fingers dug deep into her skin, and she hated the fact that Maxwell left her just to go meet her. Trevor left his room and came back to the living room with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Why do you have that look on your face?" Phoebe snarled.

"Did I say something? My ears are covered by the sounds coming from that room," his smirk grew wider when he saw the look on Phoebe's face, she looked angry.

"What? You wish you were in her place right? I know you like Maxwell, and I also know that you like money more than you do him which is why you refused his proposal years ago and also the reason why you are back." The smirk had vanished from his face, the taunting Trevor was gone.

"You know me all too well Trevor Mayor, what should I do? Tell your mom about it?" It was Phoebe's turn to smirk.

"Of course, my mom put you up to this. So what's the plan? Destroy their relationship? Make sure Maxwell grumbles to nothingness. Have you ever asked her why she is doing this?" Trevor asked.

"She is doing this because she is a greedy and ungrateful woman." Phoebe laughed, she walked in circles around Trevor. "She is trying to break the son of the man who helped her after her husband died leaving her nothing, men your mom is one hell of a bitch." She laughed even louder.

"And you are not? What? Do you think I didn't read the newspaper? UK's most famous model returned to nothing after her manager dumped her for someone else and her industry decided they wanted a new face?" Trevor raised his right eyebrow.

"So let me guess, you are helping my mother out because you need money, Maxwell is your scapegoat so you are planning to milk him dry. I won't let that happen, Phoebe, I'm going to be here to make sure that you don't ruin his marriage. He worked hard to bring her back into his life, I'm not going to watch you destroy it again." Trevor left after that speech.

Phoebe angrily sat on the sofa, she was angry and the moans coming from Maxwell's room weren't helping matters. She took out her phone and texted Fiona again, (Your stupid son is going to be a problem, his in on us and he just promised to make sure that our plans fail.)

Three dots showed on her screen indicating that Fiona was typing, I message after a few seconds. (Phoebe, are you telling me that my son is too much for you to handle? I thought you could do this but I was wrong, tsk tsk tsk.)

Phoebe angrily punched her phone's keyboard, (Don't underestimate me, Fiona, your son can't get in the way of my plan. I'm going to make sure of that, I'm just letting you know that he is being a pain in my ass."

Another message from Fiona entered, (Mild pain shouldn't be that difficult to ignore.)

(Of course, it's not, I'm here to stay Fiona and I'm not going to let him get in the way.).....