You lost a good woman

Days have passed, and Morgana's and Maxwell's relationship is stiff, she even moved out of their bedroom and now is occupying one of the guest rooms, it's like whenever they try to fix their problems, Phoebe always gets in between and whenever she tries to talk to him about her, gets mad at her.

The four of them are currently sitting at the dining table having dinner, the room is so quiet that if someone drops a pin, the sound would echo throughout the entire building.

Morgana couldn't stand it, so she pushed her seat and decided to go back to her room. "You can't skip meals, you know you are pregnant, even if it's a little," Maxwell said without staring at her face.

She scoffed and proceeded to walk back to her room. Trevor looked at his brother and shook his head. He stood as well and went to the kitchen. He came back with a tray, dished some of the food into two plates, poured her a glass of water and a glass of juice, and he packed fruits as well.

"Where are you doing?" Maxwell asked.

"Going to make sure she eats before going to bed." He left after saying that.

Both of them sat inside her room eating and laughing, their voices could be heard by everyone in the house. Maxwell felt jealous, he wanted to be able to make her laugh like she was doing now but she was too headstrong and wouldn't do what he told her to.

Phoebe quietly ate her meal, she was happy that her plans were working, and she was also thinking of the next step of her plan, she secretly prayed that this one would get her kicked out of the house.

The next morning, Morgana was craving some cookies, everyone was still fast asleep and she didn't want to be a bother so she decided to make some for herself. She got down from her bed and put on a cover over her night dress. She had only gone down a few stairs when she heard someone's footsteps behind her.

Phoebe was thirsty for water, and the jar in her room was empty, so she decided to go get herself water from the kitchen. She saw Morgana going down the stairs and a thought crossed her mind, she thought 'Why not kill her and get everything done with?' she discreetly walked behind her and was about to push her, but Morgana turned in time and leaned on the railings.

Phoebe failed to stabilise herself on time, she fell down the stairs, and an ear-piercing scream left her lips when she reached the bottom of the stairs. Her screams were loud enough to wake the entire house.

The guards stationed outside were the first people to see her sitting down and clutching hard on her leg. The scene was perfect, a terrified Morgana was standing on the stairs while a crying Phoebe was sitting at the end of the staircase.

"What happened?!" Maxwell yelled, frightening Morgana.

Smart Phoebe took it as her chance, although she was in a lot of pain, she still thought of this plan.

"Maxwell I don't know what I've done to your wife, I was on my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I heard her coming from behind and the next thing I know she pushed me down the stairs. Luckily I was able to stop my head from hitting the floor but my leg" She wept "I think it's broken."

"Maxwell I di-"

"Shut the fuck up, Morgana, how low can you go? What is wrong with you? When did you become this evil?" Maxwell yelled, cutting Morgana's explanation short.

She stood unable to say a word, Trevor saw how shaky she was, her legs were quivering. He held her and helped her down the stairs.

"Maxwell, I think you should listen to your wife on this one," Trevor said.

"What is there to listen to? Are you trying to tell me that Phoebe slapped herself the other day or that she pushed herself down the stairs? Why? So she could instigate Morgana? In case you've forgotten, Phoebe is not that kind of person."

He turned to Morgana, "Instead Morgana is that person, if she could get me drunk, sleep with me and send the evidence to my parents so we could get married then what's more of this?!"

Morgana felt light, she felt as though her world was coming to an end, she regretted ever forgiving him, she shouldn't have given him a second chance. She should have continued working and living on her own.

Breathing suddenly became hard, she couldn't say anything but cry while Phoebe smirked. Unable to bear everything, she rushed back to her room and shut the door. Maxwell on the other hand carried Phoebe's bridal style to the car, he rushed her to the hospital just in case she had sustained any other injuries apart from the broken leg.

Trevor knocked on Morgana's door, he begged her to open up but she didn't. She was packing her bags, 'This relationship is hopeless.' she thought to herself.

She took her phone and booked an early flight to the UK. She had a relative there but she doesn't know exactly where she is but she'll look for her when she gets there. Right now she has to get out of this house before she loses her mind because of the man she decided to spend the rest of her life with.

It was a miracle for her to book a flight to the UK so early, but she thanked her stars for being on her side. She finally opened the door but she didn't give Trevor the chance to get in because she was going out with her bags.

"What are you doing?" Trevor asked, he held her bag to stop her but she had made up her mind.

"Trevor, do you remember when you told me that if I ever wanted to go away from here you'd help me? Help me get out of here." She begged.

"Morgana please don't put me in a tight spot, please." Trevor looked away from her pleading eyes, he couldn't let her convince him.

"Trevor looks at me, I can't continue like this. Maxwell was a mistake, I shouldn't have agreed to this, I shouldn't have accepted him back and now I want to get away from him please help me get away from him." She sobbed.

"Morgana you are going to let Phoebe win if you go, she is going to be victorious." Trevor tried to reason with her but she scoffed.

"Phoebe didn't force those words out of his mouth, he said them on his own so let's not blame others." She muttered. "If you are not going to help me then forget about it, I'll get out myself."

With a sigh, Trevor carried her bags for her, the maids stood watching her leave. They couldn't believe she was going again for the second time, Edna rushed to her unable to hold herself back. She engulfed Morgana in a hug.

"I'm going to miss you, ma'am." She cried, and the others joined them in the hug. They could tell who was behind everything, everyone could tell except for Maxwell.

Morgana hugged them back, bid them farewell and left with Trevor, the guards couldn't even stop them from going. The look in her eyes was enough for them to step back and watch her leave.

Trevor took her to the airport, she hugged him and went in, she sat in the waiting area and waited for her flight to be announced. When they finally announced, she hurriedly went in and took her seat and not too long, the plane took off.

Maxwell came back later with Phoebe, she had a bandage wrapped around her angle. Trevor walked in with a sad face, he stared at his cousin and shook his head,

"You just lost a good woman." He muttered.

"What do you mean? Where is Morgana?" He asked. He left Phoebe who was struggling to sit, she fell on the floor but he didn't give two fucks, he just wanted to know where his wife was.

Phoebe glared at him, she secretly cursed at Morgana, praying that she wasn't in this house and was somewhere far away.

"She just boarded a plane, she wouldn't even tell me where she was going, she just told me to help her get away from you!" Trevor yelled.

Maxwell slumped onto the hard tile floor, he did it again, he pushed her away again. "I just sent her away for the second time, she left me for the second time." He mumbled.

He couldn't hold himself, although not a single tear dropped from his eyes, but his eyes were scarlet. He stared at his cousin, and then at the woman who was the reason for everything, he acted again without thinking. He said words without thinking.

"I've lost her again."

"What do you mean by you've lost her again? Where is Morgana?..."