The little girl

"Who is she? Does she have connections with Dad?" He asked.

"I've told you guys that she is like a mother to me, I answered that question already," Morgana replied.

"Mom look at me, I'm not stupid and I know when you are trying to hide something from me," Liam said as he stared at the coffee mug and at Morgana's hand that was slowly crawling to the cup. "Stop it, Mom." He warned.

"Uhh," she groaned. "Fine, I know you have a hunch about it, what do you know?" She asked.

"Is she related to dad?'

"Nothing goes past your eye, she is related to him. But honey can we just not talk about him? Especially not in front of Aurora, like I told your grandmother today, I don't want him to know that I'm back here. We don't need him now, our lives are peaceful."

"Mummy, did he hurt you? Why do I feel like he hurt you badly?" The little boy asked.