I Know who you are


"You are daddy's mother?" Aurora asked, she sounded shocked and her voice had a hint of betrayal. She looked at her mummy. "You said she wasn't..." Her voice was low.

"I'm sorry Aurora, I'm sorry for trying to hide things from you guys, mummy just... You won't understand." She blinked back her tears, the look her daughter gave her was heartbreaking.

Finn looked at her but he had an understanding look, it made Morgana wonder how a six-year-old would understand why his mother hid his father's identity from him. The boys scare her but the doctor says they are fine, so she has to go with that.

"I'm sorry Aurora," She said again since Aurora didn't reply.

"Mummy said lying is bad but she lied to Aurora, mummy why did you lie to Aurora? Aurora isn't happy." She lowered her head but didn't go down from her leg.

"Mummy was scared," Morgana mumbled.