Everything is upsidedown

"Leaving? Mummy why?" Aurora asked, she didn't want to leave just yet.

"Aurora, stop asking me questions and go pack your bags!" Morgana yelled, she didn't mean to raise her voice at the little girl but she couldn't control herself.

Aurora ran out of the room in tears, Morgana shut her eyes and massaged the bridge of her nose, she has never raised her voice at her kids, even when they make her angry, she always talks with a calm voice, today is the first time she is doing it and it's all Maxwell's fault.

"Morgana I think you should calm down, I know you are angry but don't take it out on the kids," Trevor said, he held her shoulders, guided her to his bed and made her sit down, he crouched down in front of her.

Liam and Finn followed Aurora, they knew that if they didn't comfort her, she was going to cry her eyes out.