
"What is it that you want to show me?" Morgana asked. She doesn't know what this meeting is all about, yesterday Mr Forester's secretary had called and said his boss wanted them to meet up because he wanted to show her something related to work.

"This design is not what I requested, I requested something modern but this is classic." Mr Forester said.

"But this is not my duty, you should have called the right team but you called me instead?" Morgana asked.

She drank the glass of water the waitress had given her before going, and she gulped the entire content in the glass. It wasn't because she was thirsty but because she wanted to calm herself.

"Well you are the CEO of the company, of course, I'd contact you for this." Mr Forester said in a tone that made her cringe.

"Okay, email me what you want and I'll send it to the team." She said and stood up but Mr Forester held her.