It's all my fault

The sound of the gun echoed inside the room and outside, there were screams, people running and not knowing where to go and others just went down holding their heads in between their legs.

"Mummy! daddy!" Aurora cried. Her brothers covered her, since Maxwell was next to them, he shields them with his body while looking for Morgana.

"Take them to the car and make sure they don't go out, protect them at all cost." Maxwell instructed his subordinate who nodded.

"Dad, I'm not leaving without mom." Liam said.

"Liam I don't have time for this, please go with them while I go look for your mother." Maxwell almost yelled. "Take them." They were carried to the car.

"Mom, dad, please stay low, don't move. I'll look for Morgana." Maxwell informed his parents. The guards who were stationed outside to keep watch walked in to look for the threat.