Four stabs

Laurence has been searching for the gateman who ran after Maxwell's accident, he was very good at hiding. The gateman had gone into hiding because he didn't want to go to prison, he was also feeling guilty for betraying his boss who had been so kind to him.

The gateman sat inside a darkroom all by himself, he kept on watching the news about Maxwell's accident, his heart hurt. "I'm sorry boss, I don't know what came over me, I didn't mean to betray you, I'm sorry boss." He muttered.

The accident is the only thing that is on the news, Maxwell's current state isn't available because his family doesn't want the world to know that he has lost his memory.

The gateman called Bob, "What do you want?" Bob asked him.

After Bob carried out his plan in Maxwell's house that day, they exchanged numbers.

"What do I want? I can't take this anymore, my conscience is killing me. I'm going to tell Mr Mayor what really happened." The gateman said.