
"Why didn't you tell me about all this? Why did you have to carry this burden all by yourself Morgana? I have the right to know this. I thought she was my friend not knowing she is a murderer, you guys had no right to keep me in the dark." Maxwell muttered. Although he was hurt because they kept secrets from him, he wasn't angry.

"But it's fine, I understand. You were trying to protect me because it's what the doctor said." Maxwell muttered.

He circled Morgana, placed her head on his shoulder and patted her back while she cried. "Let out M, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me, my shoulders weren't there for you to cry on."

Two days later, early in the morning at around eight o'clock, there was a knock on Phoebe's door.

"Good morning officers, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?" She asked with a forced smile on her face.