
They all had knives on their heads. "Those two rookies couldn't do anything but don't worry, I'll take control from here." She muttered.

"Morgana you are going to get what's coming for you, prepare to lose everything you love just like you made me lose mine. The tears you've shed this past few years can't compare to the tears I'll make you shed. One by one you'll lose the people you love. But don't worry, I'm going to make sure you stay alive and watch it happen." She laughed hysterically

After seven long hours, their flight landed at the airport, after claiming their stuff, they left the airport. There was a car waiting for them to arrive. When the driver saw them, he quickly opened the door and ran out to meet them and helped them. The drive back to the house was short and quiet.

"Go up to your room and get ready for dinner." Morgana instructed. They nodded and left.