
"I overheard ma'am talking and it seems like she has decided to give him everything, including this house." Maid A said, she stared at the ceiling and then at the other maids.

"What are we going to do if she moves out? I can't work for boss Arthur, he looks like an arrogant jerk." Maid C said.

"Take it from me who has been in this house since she was a child because my mom used to work here before she had me, he is arrogant and loves to walk on the poor." Maid B replied.

Morgana cleared her throat, and she entered the kitchen. The maids sat quiet, "Is lunch ready?" She asked them. She acted like she didn't hear them talking about her and Arthur.

"It's ready ma'am," Maid A, who is the cook, replied.

"Okay then, please set the table, the kids are hungry." She said and left.

The maids set the table and left, Morgana and the kids with Trevor had their lunch.

"Trevor, while you are here, where will you stay?" Morgana asked.