A Farewell to Friends

As Sir William and Emily embark on their new beginnings in their respective eras, their hearts are heavy with the bittersweet farewell to the friends and allies who have journeyed alongside them. These companions, from all walks of life and across the span of time, have become an integral part of their odyssey.

Their farewells are imbued with a profound sense of gratitude for the support, wisdom, and camaraderie that their friends have provided throughout their journey. Each handshake, hug, and parting word carries with it the promise of keeping the flames of friendship alive, knowing that the bonds they've formed are unbreakable, even across the vast expanse of time.

Though they may be separated by centuries, Sir William and Emily understand that true friendships endure, transcending the constraints of time itself. Their farewells are not an end but a continuation of the enduring connections that have enriched their lives and illuminated the path of their remarkable journey.