Chapter 980 Traveling,He Began to Miss Her

  Since Jerry had been staying in the company,Harrison sometimes caught him sleeping on the swivel chair of his office when he came to work in the morning.

  It seemed that Mr.Feltion had another night without rest.

  There was nothing Harrison could do about this kind of thing.

  I knew why I had to do it today.

  There was nothing he could do about this but he still advised,"Mr.Felton,work is important,but you still have to take care of your health."

  "I'm fine,"Mr.Feltion said without even looking at him.

  The news of him working desperately regardless of his health quickly reached the ears of his grandmother.

  She was a passionate person.Although she was very sad about the departure of Melody,it wasn't a problem for her grandson to go on like this.

  She ordered Jennifer to call Jerry and tell him she was sick.

  Jennifer was a little hesitant about the idea."Grandma,is it really okay to say that?"