The middle-aged man whose wrist was clutched cried out in pain. He wailed exasperatedly for someone to settle accounts with Chaim. Then Chaim exerted more force in his hand, making the man suffer. The man sobered up instantly, chickened out, and apologized.
Chaim let go of his hand, and the man immediately fled while holding his wrist.
The man soon was nowhere to be seen, leaving only Samara and Chaim in the long corridor.
Chaim read the two hundred messages one by one, which recorded every bit of Samara's love and affection for him for the past twelve years.
Seeing Samara now, Chaim could not describe how he was feeling right now.
Chaim looked at Samara with a complicated expression. He wanted to tell her about the phone, yet he didn't in the end. Chaim blinked and, for once in a lifetime, he expressed his concern about her. He said, "Were you scared?"
Samara shook her head. "No. Thank you, Mr. Humphrey."