Chapter 457 I Can't Wait, I Don't Want To Wait

Jovan had been with Roland for so many years, but that was the first time he saw Roland so anxious.

He looked at the blizzard outside and knew that it was useless to say anything to keep him calm. If he fail to make arrangements with the helicopter and rescue team, Roland would surely go to the mountain alone just to find Samara and make sure that she was safe.

According to the early warning issued by the town, the foot of the mountain had been closed, and no one could enter it from any paths.

Roland made several calls to Samara, but none went through. The line was always busy. In that case, she obviously had no signal.

Jovan calmed down very quickly. He quickly called the police, and asked the host family where they settled to contact the local villagers to see if there was any way to enter the mountain. Finally, he called the Yshire to find someone to contact the rescue team.