Criminal Journey


Jai: "After perusing this news in the following day's newspaper, the leader of the shoe polishing syndicate reached out to his underworld connections. Under the shroud of night, he orchestrated a covert rendezvous with the formidable Shetty."

Rashmi, her curiosity burgeoning: "Could you provide me with more insight into Shetty's visage and his tumultuous past?"

Jai, thoughtfully reclining: "Shetty was an imposing figure, his corpulent physique a testament to his indomitable resolve. He exuded an air of unrelenting ruthlessness and dominion. Despite amassing substantial wealth, he chose to reside amidst the squalor of a slum. His unassuming abode served as a clandestine sanctuary for criminal machinations, discreetly nestled among the teeming masses. "Shetty's early life was marred by ceaseless hardship. He endured the pangs of abject poverty, often deprived even of the most basic daily sustenance. His mother, besieged by illness, met an untimely demise when he was but a child. His father, valiant yet struggling, toiled tirelessly but could never liberate his family from the clutches of destitution. "The turning point arrived when his father's unwavering principles pitted him against formidable adversaries—individuals of immense influence and power. Their feud cast a malevolent shadow over Shetty's family, consigning them to a life of unceasing suffering. It was within this crucible of adversity that Shetty embarked on his perilous journey into the treacherous realm of the underworld. "Motivated by an ardent desire to shield his family from further misery and to exact retribution against those who had wronged them, Shetty embraced the criminal milieu. He vowed to ascend from the ashes of poverty, clawing his way to the upper echelons of power, and amassing wealth to guarantee his family's security. "In his ascent, Shetty navigated the intricate web of Mumbai's criminal underworld with unwavering determination. He etched a fearsome reputation, earning both reverence and terror. His adversaries soon discovered that behind his imposing frame lay a cunning intellect.

1960, In the slum,

Shetty, oozing arrogance: "What's the reason for this disturbance? Or have you summoned me with such urgency?"

Head of the polishing gang, trembling: "Sir, one of the children in my gang smashed a bottle onto an officer's head, resulting in the officer's demise. I fear he might divulge my name to the police and expose our child labor racket."

Shetty, a sly grin playing on his lips: "Ah, I see. So you've come for that boy, hoping I'd secure his release and coerce the authorities into closing his files."


Shetty, an air of finality in his voice: "Well, you can forget about him now. He will henceforth work for me."

Confusion etching the gang leader's face: "What?"

Two men enter the room, carrying Vazeer on their shoulders. Shetty, adopting an air of authority: "I've already given them those instructions. I need a man like him, not cowardly souls like you."

The head of the polishing gang, addressing Vazeer: "What do you seek?"

Vazeer, his clothes stained with blood, weariness apparent: "The WORLD."

Shetty regarded the child as a potent asset, recognizing the bravery and resolute character in his words. With an air of authority, Shetty ordered the head of the shoe-polishing gang to depart. Vazeer was then assigned a room to rest and provided with the necessary medications to aid his recovery.

In a hushed tone filled with confidence, Shetty remarked, "Ayy Pathan, we have found ourselves a diamond in the rough."

The reply came swiftly, "Ho, bhai, his potential is undeniable."

Shetty's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "He is poised to unleash chaos upon the underworld, a force to be reckoned with."

Pathan nodded in agreement, his respect for Vazeer evident. "I share the same belief, bhai. Together, we will mold him into a formidable asset."

"Let us commence his training tomorrow,"

Shetty said with conviction, "His journey into the world of organized crime begins, and we shall guide him on this treacherous path."

"Ho, bhai, his future is in our hands," Pathan replied, understanding the gravity of the responsibility entrusted to him.

Both Shetty and Pathan knew that Vazeer have the potential to rule the crime world. If Vazeer will be trained well it will be a great addition to their roaster.


Aka's empire expanded steadily, each move a calculated step towards dominance. Meanwhile, Kuraku gathered a loyal following and secured control over several villages, his influence extending like tendrils through the region. They both were doing their work professionally.

In the year 1982,

Rashmi expressed her skepticism. "But how could they achieve all this without a substantial arsenal and a large army? The scope of their operations is staggering."

Jai, wearing a knowing smile, responded, "The reason Kuraku was sent away from CGM was precisely because of his formidable strength and audacious demeanor. He was relentless, and those around him lived in fear. He was, without doubt, the most formidable of them all."

Rashmi, puzzled, inquired further, "Then, why wasn't he given control over CGM, if he possessed such power?"

Jai's smile remained enigmatic. "I told you, he was ruthless, to a degree that even Aka found unnerving."

Rashmi, with heightened curiosity, exclaimed, "That could be a reason. But Aka exhibits ruthlessness too."

Jai sought to clarify, "What do you understand by 'ruthless'? Haa? Kuraku took the lives of seventy individuals in a mere year. Washi desired a leader capable of stabilizing CGM, not someone like Kuraku, whose sole objective was destruction."

Rashmi, her curiosity unabated, probed further, "How is that possible? Killing at such a scale without being apprehended by anyone and moving freely. No action from the police or the government. It all sounds almost surreal."

Jai's expression grew somber. "Every individual knew about it, Rashmi. Fear had silenced them, and they dare not cross him."

Piquing Rashmi's interest, she questioned, "But why was he not imprisoned and brought to justice? How did this empire even continue to function? It almost seems like fiction."

Jai responded firmly, "It's not fiction, Rashmi. The central authority of India was under their control. The Prime Minister was Aka's confidant. They wielded influence from the heart of the nation. They held the power of Prime Minister Sensei Pandya, who played a pivotal role in their operations."