Chapter 148

Scott was just standing in the bathroom, staring at his reflection. "Like father, like fucking son." He grumbled. He turned on the sink, when he heard the bathroom door open. Not even bothering to look up, Scott put a little soap on his hands and continued to wash them. Suddenly, he felt someone's hand on his back. He assumed it was Mitch, but jumped a little when he saw who it really was. Mr. Kaplan. Scott moved away a little, turning off the sink. "Can I help you?"

Avi's dad shook his head, but smiled a little. "No. But I can help you."

"What are you talking about?"

Mr. Kaplan slowly inched towards him, as Scott slowly inched backwards. "I hear you want to be with an Alpha. Want to try being submissive for once." "No, absolutely n--"