Chapter 2

People began to clear out around one A.M. Luckily most of the Betas hadn't consumed any alcohol, so the Alphas had a safe way home. Scott had helped Albert put a few things into the kitchen to be dealt with later, before stumbling tiredly back into the living room to find his pack again. The first thing he saw, even through the crowd of people shuffling towards the door, was Alex gripping Mitch's arm for dear life as a tall, fit Alpha towered over him. Alex was nearly the same height, but he probably resembled a child in his tipsy state. And Mitch didn't stand a chance without him. Scott weaved through people, doing his best not to push even though he was clearly in a hurry. The Alpha before Mitch went so far as to reach out and caress Mitch's face, and shove Alex out of the way when he tried to intervene. Scott's eyes went red when Alex fell into the wall, but Alex still tried to stand up again well enough to push back.