Chapter 12

Mitch went directly to Scott after the incident, knowing Scott would be able to sense Alex in an instant, so Mitch wanted to get ahead of the mess. Scott was changing his pants, as he'd gotten too hot in the jeans he was wearing, and he wanted to change into something lighter. Mitch turned him around by the shoulder, and then made him sit on the bed, before climbing onto his hips. "Alpha, I kissed Alex." Mitch mentally cringed. Man, this 'honesty stuff' is fun.

Scott blinked at him, trying to process those events, also sort of trying not to have a stroke. "Um. What?" "I kissed Alex. On the lips. And we kinda made out, but only for a few seconds." "Okay then. Well... Um..." What the Hell is the appropriate response to that? "Should I ask why?" "He was upset. And... I owe him."