Chapter 26

Alex giggled at Kirstie pushing herself into the spot beside him. He pushed his tray of food toward her. "Want the Jell-O?" Kirstie glanced at him, and then nodded. "Yes please." Kevin was standing in the corner of the room with Grace in his arms, Todrick beside him, half asleep. Travis had fallen asleep in one of the chairs in the room, Jake asleep on his shoulder. Alex then glanced at the Betas. "Do you guys want anything? I have this... Sandwich looking thing." Todrick shook his head once, still leaning into Kevin, half asleep. "Nuh uh, Alex. You need to eat, honey." "I'm not hungry, Sir. Not that I'm arguing with you, or trying to disobey--" "Alex, baby. I'm sorry. I'm too tired to listen to you ramble. Just eat, please? For me?"

Alex didn't argue, and forced himself to take a bite of his sandwich. Kevin suddenly spoke to Kirstie. "Kit, would you please take Grace into the other room to see Avi? I'm scared if I don't pay attention, Todrick is going to fall over."