Now that the illness had passed, and the Omegas could go back to work, that's exactly what they did. Travis was happy to see Alex and Kirstie working together in the kitchen, Todrick behind them with Grace in his arms, shouting out occasional cooking tips. As Travis rounded the corner, he proceeded down the hall and peeked into the Beta library to see if Kevin was alright. Kevin was sat on the floor reading, at least six piles of books surrounding him.
Travis decided not to interupt him, and continued down the hallway. He could hear Avi outside with Jake and the rest of the Alphas, so he didn't see it necessary to check on them. Besides, Avi might make him stay if he did. Travis proceeded to the end of the hallway, knocking on Scott's office door a few times. Scott let him in with a warm smile, even standing and offering Travis his chair. Travis declined of course. "I just wanted to see how you were doing."
"Oh I'm just fine! Thank you. And yourself?"