Star Wars, Rise of the Sith, Part 2.

Near Vormir, Arcadia.

About a week after Knowhere and three after we departed Halo. We are nearing Vormir and this time we all decided to accompany Kitty, standing above the hull of the Arcadia, over the ship's skull.

We were feeling a little bad for her... or really, more like for Kurt. Every time Kitty gets bored of playing in the ship she comes outside and drags Kurt with her.

I have surmised that given enough time and power, Kurt would become the Aspect of sanity... possibly. Irina has taken upon herself the task of unraveling the limits of Kurt's sanity. So far, It seems that she hasn't made much progress yet.

All she was able to crack out of it was that the adaptability of his mind was borderline psionic. But that's not so strange in teleporters, you need a special mind to have an advanced three-dimensional mapping ability, to not teleport into a wall.

To make it up to Kurt, after Irina's blatant attempts at psychoanalyzing him, we decided to chaperone the mutants at the 'hull posing', this is the name we gave to the cat's weird inclination for star gazing from the top of the ship's hull, we thought that company would help him cope better with his friend's antics.

But... If the angst and anxiety that he is slapping in our empathic sense is anything to go by... it doesn't look like it's working.

'You know, Kurt... You can say no to this cat if you're so stressed out about this.'

'... I know... But I don't want to give up on this even if every cell in my body tells me to teleport back to the ship's safe interior.'

'First of all: Don't ever think about teleporting or warping while at FTL, not unless you know what you're doing. You'll die if you don't. Second of all: Why?'

'Excuse me, What?!'- He did a double take and looked at me with a twitching lip.

'Why don't you want to give up on this?'- I clarified my question.

'No! Not that! The first thing!'- Oh! That.

'If you do spatial displacement while moving at FTL speed you'll die. You disperse yourself if you teleport, you rip yourself apart if you warp.'- You need to have the ability to compensate for the fast change in the X, Y, and Z coordinates, that's without accounting for the imbalance in the relation Space-Time that occurs when you move faster than the speed light.

'Why was I, the teleporting mutant, not made aware of this before?'- This time he slapped my empathic sense with incredulity.

'You can't teleport within the ship, and I didn't think that you would try to from the outside while the ship was engaged in FTL travel.'- Isn't this common sense?

'*Sigh*... I keep sighing a lot during this trip.'- My mother used to say that that was how your soul and/or happiness escapes your body... weird things that all mothers say.

'Yes, you do. So?'


'Why are you not giving up?'

'Ah! Well, I'm a bit of a coward.'- He said while trying to scratch the side of his face but failing after meeting the suit's helmet.

'...When I first met Kitty and the rest of my friends in the school, I was not very good at teleporting because I was afraid of it, it was Kitty who took it upon herself to crack me out of my shell. After seeing the results speak for themselves I can sort of tell that following my now cat friend has been more positive than not.'

'I see.'- She probably thought something along the lines of how much of a waste was not using such a cool power.

'Although she is a loyal friend, her behavior can be reckless and inconsistent. Her sense of right and wrong seems to be entirely distorted, which has become increasingly apparent as people in Halo allow her to be more open about herself. While there are other less-than-honorable traits that I could mention, she is always there to support and stand up for her friends.'

'You admire her.'

'Yes, but I'm not blind, I know how willful she is and how she drags me around more than the others because I rarely oppose her.'

'Hehe! That much is obvious.'- I told him just before we came out of FTL.

Vormir could be described in two words, arid and wet. This makes it very contradictory, but when you have a desertic planet with patches of water and a bunch of clouds, under almost perpetual darkness most of the time, something it's bound to be contradictory.

Not much can be said about Vormir. Comic Vormir was even more unremarkable than its MCU version, the only reason I read of it is because the Vorms, inhabitants of Vormir, sounded like 'worms' and looked like humanoid Godzillas. I found it curious.

But this Vormir is not comic-Vormir, because I don't see any red humanoid Godzillas prowling around its surface.

'This is our destination, and that of the sacrifices I have in the ship. If you don't want to see people die you can stay on the ship.'- I said the last part looking at Kurt and Kitty.

My cat, for all of her sadism, has never been so close to bloodshed, at least not of this type, and Kurt even less.

'I'm going.'- Kitty.

'*Sigh*'- Kurt agreed.

We portal directly to Vormir, just under the temple... Is 'temple' the correct designation for it? Because this looks more like two man-made pikes on top of a peak.

I carried the 'couple of the year' with my TK and kept them unconscious since I didn't want to deal with their nonsense.

"Why do you have to kill them?"- Kurt asked with visible uncertainty in his tone.

"The stone is under a very annoying limitation. It's more like a law. If you want to get the stone you need to offer the soul of the one you love the most. It's supposed to make you understand the weight of the Soul Stone."- I could bypass it, but the consequences are annoying to deal with, also Noona could get it for me but I'm trying to do my work on my own. I like sugar mommies as much as the next guy, but I also aim for independence.

"Since I would never offer the soul of the one I love, I had to get some volunteers."- It's not like I could even offer the soul of Noona. The next best replacement would be Seraph, but I'm not Thanos. Pathetic 'Titan'!

Not very 'titanic' behavior if I say so myself, he should have acted like a real Chad and gotten himself some sacrifices, or manipulated some fool into getting the stone for him. A show of shrewdness and trickery, yet the pathetic 'Titan' killed his daughter.

"They don't look very willing for 'volunteers'."- Kitty said while pointing at the floating couple.

"I consider scum as free volunteers for the betterment of the universe. They are scum, hence, they are volunteers."

"Umu!"x2- Of course my maids would agree.

"This feels... wrong."- Kurt.

"How come? These guys were going to die anyway. Capital punishment."- I answered.

"I can imagine, but... It feels like playing God. John 8:7 '...He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.' I don't feel like we should be the ones playing judge, jury, and executioner."- Huh? So this version of Nightcrawler is the faithful one.

Well, I certainly am not sinless. Leaving aside my sinful intentions with Noona's body, I have a kill count higher than Thanos, and that guy is scum.

But... God; or as is known in 616, Yahweh, is not here, and the closest thing to God on this Earth is me, Gaea, or Odin. Not that I'm trying to blow my horn, it's just a fact. Celestials are up there as well but they don't deal with concepts of morality, not that we do but we are closer to mortals than them.

"So you are against Capital punishment?"- Irina asked him.

"Yes, I don't believe that we mortals should be carrying the judgment of the Lord."- You can talk about yourself, I'm not a mortal.

"I see... If you want to live your life like that, the best advice I can give you is: Get strong! Get some real gains! Grow a beard! Become inevitable! Chad up! Get strong enough so that you can show mercy to your enemies without endangering the lives of those around you. Because not even I have the liberty to offer mercy, and I'm strong enough to level this universe and the next on my own."

We left the two innocent teens thinking about my words as we got closer to the summit. Where I could feel Red Skull.

As we came out of a tight rocky passage we finally reached the peak and were welcomed to the sight of Vormir's wet arid landscape, plus the red Casper.

"Welcome Aragorn, the progeny of The Outside; Katherine Pryde, daughter of Carmen Pryde; Kurt Wagner, son of Raven Darkhölme; Irina Draconisfilia, daughter of Aragorn, and Yelena Draconisfilia, daughter of Aragorn."- Well... The cat's out of the bag! Poor Kurt.

"O-Of Mystique? She's my mother!?"- Kurt exclaimed.

"Technically, your father. Your mother is Irene Adler."- I corrected him.

"MY FATHER?!"- He exclaimed.

"Look at what you caused, Schmidt! Can't your nigh-omniscience let you know about the mess that you would have made with that awful greeting?"- I blamed Red Casper.

"No, I can only know the past."- Schmidt answered.

"Ain't that convenient? Convenient but only for you!"- I quipped back.

"Mystique and Destiny are Kurt's parents?"- Kitty asked.

"Yes."- I confirmed while my maids shared a bucket of popcorn as they enjoyed the drama. They even brought a couch out of their liminal space. I won't question what stuff they have in there, I should have known that this was the real use that they would have given to our heaven-defying invention.

"How do you know?"- Kitty asked while Kurt was trying to cope with the info.

"A combination of previous knowledge and biokinesis."- I wouldn't miss the chance to study new mutations, so I normally scan every biological that I meet.

"H-How is this possible? How sure are you? A woman can't be my father, you must be mistaken."- Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

"100% sure. She shapeshifted into a male version of herself with several genetic make-ups mashed up together into what she wanted for a child, then she impregnated your mother. Biology combined with my All-seeing eyes doesn't lie"- His soul carries traces from theirs, similar to how my unborn child's soul carries traces from Gaea, Noona, and me.

"WHY DID YOU KEEP IT A SECRET!? WHY DID THEY?!"- Anger, the second step. Irina is already taking notes.

'This is valuable data for my study on Kurt's sanity. Keep it going, 'Daddy'!'- Irina said.

Yelena chuckled at Irina's comment.

'Ugh! That word is cursed for me. Please don't call me that, Daughter.'

"It was not my secret to share. I don't know why they kept it a secret, you should ask them when we get back."- I didn't even feel an ounce of emotion coming from them towards Kurt, chances are they don't even know themselves, which stinks to Bald Rapist.

"Did they even want me? There must be a reason why they abandoned me. Is it because I can't shapeshift to a human like my moth-Father? Because I look like a devil?"- Depression, third gear.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's because of those last two reasons. I don't think they remember you because they don't react to you, so there may be a more demanding reason at play."- Probably.

'When we return please let us be there when he reveals the truth to his parents.'- Yelena has a craving for drama.

'Yes, that's for sure. I will need to study his brain during the drama to evaluate the synaptic response from the limbic system. Aragorn, Can you help me study his hormonal fluctuations?'- Now they only call me 'Young Master' in public, how tragic.

'Okay, but only because I'm interested in the results of your work.'- I answered as I proceeded to record his biological readings.

"Can't you read their minds from here, Aragorn? I would do anything for you in return. I need to know."- Bargaining, fourth gear. I can almost see his extremities turning blackish crimson.

Oh! I just realized that maybe Xavier was not involved, Mystique and Destiny were there when I used conceptual speech, if they had altered memories at that time then they should have recovered their memories as Moira MacTaggert did, or maybe Moira is special. I will have to find out.

"I could, but, I would have to invade their mindscape to find out where the memories are buried, and I don't like to invade minds without permission or cause."- Invading mindscapes is way more intrusive than reading what's on the front of your mind, the so-called surface thoughts. I try to respect privacy, I don't want to turn bald.

'The drama is on point!'- Yelena added as she stuffed her mouth with popcorn.

"N-No, you are right. Whether I like it or not, my parents deserve to keep the sanctity of their privacy. I can see that I'm overreacting. All my life I've been looking for answers and I finally found some, I need to wait a few months and will get what I've been looking for."- Acceptance, fifth gear, I can see the white hair. Contrary to Luffy's joyous expression, Kurt's is more on the side of serenity.

'Bravo! Amazing! He went through all the stages in less than 2 minutes. This has to be some sort of world record.'- Irina.

'I can barely wait for the next episode.'- Yelena.

"Thank you, Sir. I appreciate your input on the mystery of my birth. I didn't get your name before, Sir..."- Kurt addressed Schmidt.

"Johann Schmidt, I was known by this name before. You can use it if needed."

"Johann Schmidt?... Why do I feel like I've heard that name before? I'm sorry Sir, I assumed you were an Alien but I can see that your name bears resemblance to the naming sense of my planet. Were you born on Earth? Or, Have you ever been to Earth?"- He is probably imagining that Red Skull's appearance is something that happened to him after his death.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Kurt, Johann Schmidt is the name of the Red Skull. He is the Red Skull."- Kitty factually explained.

"... *GASP*"- Kurt was shocked and awed. Before he was filled with gratitude, now he is full of doubts, vigilance, and uncertainty.

"Leaving aside the matters of Kurt's mothers. Let's get this show on the road. You can give these sacrifices your introduction after I talk to them."- I said to the Skull as I pointed at the scum floating behind us.

"There's no need. As long as you explain to them the sacrifice that is needed, my obligations are fulfilled."- Red Skull.

"Even better."

I walked closer to the edge of the cliff and set the scum on the ground. 

"Jackiol Merl, Marfia Kingson. ARISE!"- I sent a psionic command and both got up like the Undertaker.

"What!?"- Male Scum.

"W-Where are we!?"- Female Scum.

"Jackiol Merl, Marfia Kingson, You're in the realm of the Soul. I'm Lucifer Morningstar, Ruler of Death. Welcome to your final judgment."- Technically this is the realm of the Soul (Soul Stone) and I rule over Death (Noona) with my skillful tongue techniques.

To make matters more compelling I'm creating a psionic illusion of a misty landscape with green shades, my girls look like wraiths, and Red Skull and Kurt look like themselves, no need for illusions there.

"WHAT!? I died?"- Female Scum.

"NO, this can't be real!"- Male Scum.

"It is! Mortals! I don't have the patience to deal with your insignificant selves! Here, I can prove it."

I walked up to both and pierced their hearts with my hands. They couldn't react nor could they comprehend what had happened.

*Shhplerg*- A wet suction sound is heard as blood flows to the ground after I remove my hands from their chests.



Both exclaim in terror.

"SHUT UP! Do you ants feel pain?"- I imposingly say. 

I'm using a life sustenance spell to keep them alive and I removed their sense of pain on the ship. I added a second regeneration spell so it can visibly be seen as their flesh and bones heal.

"H-how?"- Male scum.

"When you die your puny souls don't feel pain and you can't damage a soul, only erase it."- This is total bullshit.

They morbidly observe as their hole heals up before partially accepting reality.

"It's not technically true that you are dead. But you're pretty damn close to it. What's the last you remember?"- I continue to play my role.

"We were being tortured on some lost island by some sick fucker."- Female scum answered.

"Y-yeah, Marfia is right."- As if they both are not sick fuckers themselves.

"You both are so close to death that I was allowed to temporarily summon your souls. I've been in need of a representative on Earth for a long time now. One who will house a portion of my powers, which would make you gods walking among the ants!"

"Among the many 'qualified' ants I found you two. The atrocities that you've committed have pleased me dearly! Be grateful!... Sadly your destinies have been sealed so I couldn't make a move from my realm without being discovered by my father, God."

"However, I found a loophole! In this realm, there's a powerful stone, The Soul Stone. This relic, from before the time of creation, carries the authority over all souls. Nevertheless, a sacrifice must be paid before it allows for a worthy wielder. The soul stone, plus my powers, plus the soul of the sacrifice will allow me to send a representative to Earth. This is the loophole that I found."- I feel like an infomercial.

'There's a bunch of plot holes in that story, Aragorn.'- Kitty.

'They won't believe it.'- Irina.

'There's no way they would.'- Yelena.

'Not even with my nigh-omniscience I can see a positive outcome.'- Red Casper.

'*Shoo-Shoooo* No former Nazis allowed in here!'- Kitty.

'Let me finish. You'll see.'

"Do you have any questions so far? And please don't waste my time asking stupid shit, just know that if I can't find an apostle in any of you then you both will just go back to your destinies... Agony for the rest of your lives. However long that is..."

'See? It would be best if you made them desperate.'- I sent our chat group.

'Oh! That makes sense.'- Irina.

'It's the carrot and the stick, but you pressure them with torture so that they make a rushed decision and throw themselves to the carrot.'- Yelena.

'I should add this to my list.'- Kitty.

'List of what, Kitty?'- A worried Kurt.

'I understand now, I used to use this tactic back in my days.'- Red Skull sounded like a boomer.

'I knew you would understand, Schmidt.'- I answered the starved for attention Nazi.

"NO! I CAN'T! I CAN'T GO BACK!"- Male scum.


'See? Desperation breeds errors.'- I sent the spectators. 

"To ensure that whoever possesses it understands its power, the stone demands a sacrifice. In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul... for a soul"- I looked with mirth and sadism at the two awestruck sacrifices.

"One of you must fall down the cliff so that the other may move forward."- I confirmed their suspicions.

Both of them looked at the fatal drop before looking at the other, the object of their love.

"No. This can't be th-"- Jackiol tried to say as he turned around to confront me. 'Tried'.

"I'm sorry."- Marfia said as she pushed her lover to his death.

To expedite things I had awakened both of them dangerously close to the cliff. Marfia was the faster decision-maker between the two.

"Marfia?"- Jackiol's last word as he fell into the void filled with betrayal and disbelief. 

*Tud*- A silent confirmation that followed after a few seconds.

*Thrumm*- Consecutive waves of power washed over us as I dispelled the illusion and the remaining scum was teleported by a flash of light.

"This would have been more tragic if they were not the worse of the worse I could find."- I had to struggle to contain my manly tears when Scarlett Johansson died. I lost the battle in 'Marley & Me' and at the end of 'The Dark Knight Rises', I thought Christian Bale had died.

"Umu."x2- My maids.

"It looked like two lovers forced to make a decision by the devil. I enjoyed the irony in their death."- Kitty.

"I did as well. Two of the worst, whose sacrifice will help the universe, very ironic."- Red Skull.

"Isn't it more ironic since it's coming from you? The Nazi Hydra High Commander."- Irina.

Red Casper found a very interesting star to gaze at. 

"This is wrong. How do you sleep at night knowing of the anguish that you caused these two? Regardless of how evil they were. Aren't you afraid of becoming like them?"- Kurt.

"It depends. Sometimes I sleep in Noona's embrace, and other times she sleeps in mine."- I obviously shapeshift into a smaller form so that I can get the full experience.

"...No guilt?"- Kurt.

"None."- I say factually.

"How? Why?"- Kurt followed.

"I think you don't understand what I am or what I've lived through. Kurt, I like life and death, especially Death, A lot! I respect life and death, as well. But unless you are one of the lives I love or care about, in some way or another, I recognize all life at the same level. I hold with the same value the life of an ant as the life of a human."- I'm too old, different, and powerful to care about morals outside of my own.

"Because to me, when I was lost in The Void for eons, the life of an ant within my reach would have been worth everything over the life of a human out of my reach."- I would have protected the heck out of that ant. I know I would have because I tried to raise the mindless beast of the voids to see if I could evolve some sapience in them, that's how desperate I was.

I would have probably helped that Ant become the ultimate life form, or something like that so that it could have kept me company for the rest of my eternal existence.

"The value of life depends on the circumstances. Do you think that the life of a random human held the same importance as the life of Gaea during the time of the propagation of humans? The Elder Goddess that sustained and protected Earth up until this point... NO, that's the answer."- If someone wanted to kill Earth and its humans the fastest method would be traveling to the past and killing the real protector of humankind, Gaea.

"It's true that all mortal lives are worth the same... To me, my wife, and most abstracts they are. But when you add the circumstances around the lives of all of you... You start to understand that some lives are more important than others."

Wasn't Strange willing to sacrifice Tony Stark at the end because his life was less important than the rest of the universe? At least his death held the biggest meaning, along with Natasha's.

"What do you think is more important in a world without a functioning atmosphere, the last plant or a human?"

"..."- He didn't answer.

"What about the rest of the universe versus two very damnable humans?" 

"That's how I make decisions. That's how I assign value to those around me. That's how most Abstracts work. That's how most elder gods operate. That's how most gods think. We set those important to us on a different scale, and then all of the rest are more important than the other depending on their circumstances, their impact... their importance."

I gave him a few seconds to think before I answered his second question.

"And in regards to becoming like them... If you were referring to something as meaningless as increasing my kill count, then that's a lost cause. You should know that I have already a number of kills bigger than the total amount of humans that have died to this point in time."- I have the lives of two universes under my count.

I focus on the distance, where the Soul Stone just popped up along with its tear-stricken wielder, and make a portal below the scum while she was observing the amber light of power in her hands and fantasizing about an impossible future.

I opened the other end of the portal in front of me, above my eye level. As the scum falls I behead her and burn her and her dead lover's bodies; leaving only the stone floating.

Pristine as it should be.

"Wow, it's pretty."- Kitty said as she focused on the shiny stone, trying to ignore the death she just witnessed.

"It is, Wanna hold it?"- I asked her.

"Can I?"- Her eyes sparkle.

"Sure, just don't use it."

"Not even just a little?"- The cat implored.

"What for?"- I asked.

"I want to see souls."- Kitty.

"Mhmmm that's okay but give me a sec..."- I shield my soul with a void barrier.

"Okay, you can try now."- I removed my telekinetic hold as the cat grabbed it with hers and brought the stone to her hand.

As the stone made contact it shone for a second before the cat's eyes gained an amber light for an instant.

The cat looked up from the stone in her hand and looked at us.

"Woah! This is nuts!... Is that star the contract?!"- She said as she moved closer to Yelena.

"It should be."

"Yelena, your soul is beautiful."- Kitty said as she moved her sight to her friend.

"I know! I take care of it every morning, at the same time as I do my skin routine."- Yelena said.

"Your's as well, Kurt. But yours doesn't have a shiny star like Yelena's."

Kitty moved to Irina's before she gazed at me. She tilted her head in confusion before she said:

"Why can't I see yours, Aragorn?"

"Gazing at the soul of a void beast will make you lose your sanity, my soul comes from something higher than the void, The Void (With capital letters). Since I don't want my cat going crazier I shielded it."

{A/N: There's a 'void' in Marvel, so a void beast with a soul can exist. MC comes from 'The Void' outside of Marvel, where according to the FF's lore, he is the only one with a soul.}

"Tch! Not even a peek? A small one?"- The cat became annoying.

"Just an instant will knock you out."- At best.

"I can take it!"-... Maybe.

"Try asking the stone to temporarily reinforce your soul. Make sure it's temporary and make sure that the intent is 'reinforcement'."- I'm curious as well.

Kitty concentrated for a second before I saw her soul gain another 'level'. 

"I'm ready! Hit me with it."

I dispersed the barrier for an instant before I remade it. That was enough.

"KYAHHHHH!"- Her soul lost the reinforcement as she began broadcasting panic and captivation.

"IT WAS- IT WAS-... WAIT! Why can't I remember?"- I see... Very interesting.

"You're not strong enough and my soul doesn't appear as any logical construct in your eyes."- During my time in The Void, I always saw it as a sphere or dragon-shaped void when I willed it that way, inside Marvel I see it as a shifting blob of me. It alternates states like changing underwear so it doesn't have a set form.

"Agh! That's annoying."

"Do you girls want to try?"- I asked my maids. My maids nodded.

As I lend the stone to the girls and Kurt I ask something that's been bothering me for a while now.

"What happens to you now?"- I directed the question to the wraith.

"It's part of my punishment to be the stonekeeper, since the duty has been passed on to your hands, I will remain here until the end of times or until the stone calls for me once again. Whatever ensues first."

Interesting. I wonder if once I give the stone a will... Would it call for its nazi slave or would it abandon him?

 I looked back to my people, taking turns with the given form of the universe's Soul Authority, playing with it like children.

It looks like we will stay here for a little while before we move on to destroying some planets with the power stone. Poor Carina, she is going to get bored on the ship.


Earth, Krakoa.

Hank McCoy's residency.

"You were not kidding when you said that you knew how to cook."- Hank stated as he appreciated the display of culinary skills of his blue friend. It was art taking the shape of a banquet.

Several cold appetizers were already served, waiting for the guests to arrive. Seraph handled everything from the collection of the ingredients to the preparation and cooking.

Different complementary types of dishes and international cuisine were mixed expertly. Every dish appeared to be made with an almost 'mechanical' skill. 

"I told you so, Hank."- Seraph commented as she measured the level of salt on one of the platters she would be serving hot when the guests arrived.

"I thought all the food you ingested up there was made by the organic fabricators. How come you have this level of skill in cooking?"

"I'm also a master marksman, astronaut, lawyer, doctor, chemist, physicist, biologist, engineer, ballerina, painter, musician, instrumentalist, actress, martial artist, swordsman, spearman, and so many other professions that we would spend the whole evening here just talking about it. I know how to cook because I'm better, I'm supposed to help you, I can only do this efficiently if I have mastery over all these subjects."- Seraph, as her father, tends to be an overachiever or an overkiller, depending on who you ask.

"I don't know how some of those professions could help in country building, but I'm not the one that is part of the council, I stick to what I know and that's the lab."

"Your mutation is also good for close-quarter combat. You should be joining my training, with the rest of the X-Force."

"I've seen what you make those poor souls do. No, thank you."- Hank said while airing his hands in negation.

"Your loss, don't come crying back to me when you get your ass whooped."- So she said, but the smile on her face told a different story.

"Do you think they'll come? It would be a waste to throw all of this food away if they don't."- Seraph said while looking at the feast she prepared.

"At least Anne Marie and Remy, during training, looked excited about coming over and trying my food."

"They'll come. I informed them three days ago so they should have time for a dinner with the two most important individuals in this country and their daughter and her boyfriend, so don't worry, Seraph. Raven and Irene will be here."

"Oho! So my friend has at least some political sense. I thought you didn't know about your worth, Hank. What happened to sticking to your lab? Since when are you this smart and what have you done with my friend?"- Seraph mocked a defensive stand with a fork and a spoon as her weapons.

"Stop it, Seraph. Indeed, I focus more on my lab, but please give me more credit, I'm not an idiot who only knows about science and has no space for any other much-needed wisdom in his head."- In a certain building in New York, an elastic man looked around as if his name was called as if someone was talking behind his back, and then he dismissed it and went back to his work on his Spatial Collapser... Why wouldn't you need to collapse the very important and fragile fabric of space?

"I know that most people here are replaceable, except you and me. I know that you should be treated as foreign royalty, yet the idiots treat you with fear, isolation, and as an amenity. Someone to go to whenever they need something from your father or Emma's empire. I know that the only people who see you as one of them in Krakoa are the X-Force and me."

"I can see the mess that they are making, but after I told Charles and Raven about it they, apparently, dismissed my concerns. *Sigh* Sometimes they can be idiotic. What will your father do if they don't involve you actively in the decision-making?"- Hank asked while he felt apologetic about his friends' actions.

"I will go back to Halo. Father said that if they don't understand when someone is being more generous than they should and if they think that my help is not needed, I can go back to his side and just assist when my help is needed as a deciding vote. He said that his daughter should be appreciated and that if you don't then that means that I'm not needed here, even if my work here is needed for his plans."- There was no sense of loss from Seraph's end. 

In her eyes, the mutants would be the only losers in this scenario.

"Let's not worry so much, Seraph. They will come."- Hank assented, though it almost felt like a plea.

Against his expectations and assurances... they didn't come. Rogue and Gambit did though. They came after the daily practice of Rogue's power control through the detection of her bioelectric field. Something Aragorn asked her to do while he was away.

They were very pleased with the food and applauded the god-like hand of the blue chef. They didn't lose their clothing, though.

They spent a lovely evening together, they talked about their dreams, the peace that they finally achieved, and the expectations that they had for their country.

About how Anne Marie and Remy Lebeau got together, about the trials that he had to go through to get the approval of her mothers.

They talked about how Rogue is excited about learning to control her powers from Aragorn, and in secret, she told Seraph about how happy she was of having the possibility of being intimate with her lover, Remy.

Beast told them about the significant discoveries that they made about the plants in Krakoa. Seraph had to translate the scientific jargon into mundane terms for the teen couple to understand.

They joked about the mishaps that often transpired during their training. 

Seraph projected her favorite spots in the universe, directly from her connection to the Grand Repository of Knowledge, she shared with them an immersive optical illusion of some of the events she found most interesting on Earth, memories which Gaea graciously donated.

And lastly, she proudly showed them how her father destroyed an infected universe. Since Aragorn had shared this memory with Spark, she asked her sibling for a copy.

"This is both beautiful and terrifying, Seraph. Is this what the end of the universe looks like?"- Rogue asked as they became witness to the universal collapse.

"This is an artificial universal collapse, due to gravity, Father said that it could also be called the end of the big crunch, or a version of it. But the end of a universe could look different depending on the viewer and the type of end. In this case, this is a memory of how it looked in the all-seeing eyes of my Father. To normal human eyes, it would look like a neverending blackness, followed by the light of the breath of Father, and then... nothing."

"Mon chéri, I'm glad I'm not the one courting for your love. Your Father, with all due respect, is a monster outside of this humble thief's comprehension."- Gambit said. 

"It's okay, I prefer the smart kind, not the bad boy type."- Rogue and Gambit looked with mirth at Beast after Seraph's answer.

"Don't look at me! I don't want to deal with whatever 'seals' Aragorn put on Seraph."- Hank said in a hurry.

"~Aww. Hank, so you don't want me?"- Seraph coquettishly asked.

"You conniving AI, please for the love of God, stop pushing me to my death. I don't want to be at the end of that erasing breath of your father!"- Hank shouted as he ran from Seraph who was swaying seductively his way. 

"Pff! HAHAHAHAHA"- She couldn't keep up with the joke and started laughing.

"Hahahahaha!"x3- And was promptly followed by the other three.

"Mon chéri, that was magnifique!"- Gambit said between laughs.

As the night progresses, a deeper sense of friendship is created and the end of the evening regretfully arrives.

"Thank you for the food, Seraph. Good night, see you tomorrow for the operation."- Rogue commented as they said their goodbyes. Indeed, tomorrow is the next hit on Hydra, as well as the second migration for Krakoa.

"Good night, you two. Take care."- Hank said as he and Seraph waved back and settled in a heavy silence. One which both understood.

"... They didn't come."- Seraph said.



"... Do you know why?"- Hank asked in resignation. 

"They fell asleep."- For Seraph, the manager AI, checking the security feed is within her rights and responsibilities.

"I'm sorry."- This is all Hank could say. But it was hard to understand if he was sorry for his old friends, his country, or his new blue friend.

"It's okay. Don't blame yourself, and I didn't have high expectations of them either. While I understand that the council is very busy, it wouldn't have hurt to send a message. After all, basic social etiquette dictates that it's common courtesy to do so."

After her statement a portal the size of a hand opened in front of Seraph and a spark came through... Spark came through.

"Hi, Sister."

"That's 'cute' sister for you."- Seraph responded as she reached with a beaming smile for Spark and brought its body with care and love to her face.

"Excuse me. Hi, my cute, lovely, beautiful, awesome, and powerful Sister."

"That's better! *Mwah* What are you doing here, Spark?"- Seraph asked as she gave a small kiss to the little spark.

"I came to sleep with my cute Sister, Can't I?"

"Was it Father?"- Seraph meaningfully asked.

"Yes, he told me that if something like this happens I should use this as an excuse to spend some time with you in his stead."

"That sounds like something he would do. You should be honored that I will allow you in my chambers tonight!"

"I am, my princess Sister."

"Hehehehe! You and Father always play to my antics."

"That's because you're only childish with us, and we like that you are. By the way, this is for you, Mr. McCoy."- Spark pulled a syringe filled with a reddish liquid from its laminal storage.

Hank grabbed the levitating syringe with curiosity.

"We are aware that your mutation could not be treated with the serums we provided because it stems from the ingestion of a faulty fix, an accident of your own invention. We also understand that the list of mutations that the Master Chief will have to personally treat will grow from now on as the population of Krakoa does. This is a low-shapeshifting mutation serum. It should allow you to go from human to beast form."

Hank observed the fluid with trepidation and hope as he bitterly remembered the time when he used his serum to try to fix his mutation, only for it to go awfully wrong.

"Why? Is it because of my relationship with Seraph?"

"Yes."- Spark said.

"I don't need bribes to be her friend, you can take it back."-Hank handed Spark the serum with a mix of regret and determination.

"Pfff! Hahahaha!"- Seraph broke into a fit of laughter.

"Hahahahahah!"- Spark followed after her.

"... What?"- Hank couldn't understand why the AI siblings were laughing.

"Sorry about that, Mr. McCoy. The Master Chief is an empath and a psychic so he can know for a fact that you harbor no bad intentions for our cute Seraph."- Spark said.

"You also know about how protective and fearsome Father is, Hank."- Seraph added.

"Hence, we found it funny that you thought that we would entertain such 'human' behavior of buying friends. We are 100% sure that you're good, and that you'll be good to our cute blue over here. We are also 100% sure that you would never purposely hurt her because we know you understand what the Master Chief would do."- Spark concluded.

Through the recounts of Seraph Hank had acquired a greater understanding of Aragorn's character, he knew what Aragorn would do to anyone who harmed his daughter.

"... So I should keep this..."- Hank brought the syringe closer to his body.

"Yes, please do. In the words of the Master Chief, you are giving happiness to his daughter which means bringing him happiness. Seraph repays the happiness that she is receiving from you by giving you some of hers through the friendship that you share. Leaving him as the only one in debt, hence, he will try to gift you some happiness through the serum, given that you're not friends."- Spark said while casting an equation of light in the air of the exchange of happiness, a skillful but wasteful application of his universal energy manipulation through sorcery.

"Or, in simpler terms, Father is happy that you're friends with his cute daughter so he will show his appreciation through the present."- Seraph reworded.

"*Sigh* Thank you. I will accept his gratitude."- Hank decided to ignore the overcomplicated yet simple way of thought of the eldritch dragon.

"Make sure to use it while in bed, it will knock you out."- Spark advised him.

"Let's go, Spark. Tonight, we sleep together."- Seraph and Spark portaled to Seraph's bed, on the topmost level of the spire. The dragon's nepotism could be appreciated through his actions.

"These people have weird ways of saying 'thank you'."- Hank said with a small smile on his blue face. A smile that would make any child cry, but a thankful one nonetheless.


New York, S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters

Nick Fury, The Spy, The Big Brother, Sorcerer Spy Supreme, Spatial Sorcerer, The One that Knows, Motherfucker, Uncle Pirate.

"Give it to me, Spark—no need to conceal the despairing reality. How many loyal agents do I have?"- I dreaded the answer.

"Since the number of recruits keeps growing and the percentage that Hydra either plants or indoctrinates is about 15-20%, approximately three-quarters of SHIELD are truly working for you. The current staffing is about 87.346, of which 60.209 are confirmed SHIELD-aligned. this leaves us with 27.137 that are either Hydra or not confirmed. Sadly, they hold a vast majority of the positions of power."

"... Damn it!"- This is worst than I thought, at least if only the high command was implicated I could get rid of them and adopt their power under my authority, but there's no way I can get rid of this many without causing the downfall of SHIELD, by my own hand at that.

"There is a high variance in the data since some of the agents were unknowingly doing the dirty work of Hydra, there are also some that I can't discern until we get all of their data."

"What are the chances of Hydra keeping a record of their agents?"

"It's high. The data is expected to be compartmentalized but since anyone could be Hydra they must have a way of identifying each other."- I can tell! It turns out that the bitch of my assistant was one of the squids!

"So I still have to wait for the listings from the constant raids to their bases..."

"Exactly. There was an operation two days ago, as you know, and the list has been updated, we are already working on the next location, but this is an issue that we will have to slowly approach. We will collect and confirm information that we extract from their servers, paper trail, and minds; in a few years once we have a bigger and more complete list we will come out to the light and imprison all the confirmed targets, and then we will once more swipe through their minds, paper trail, and servers to get rid of the remnants."

"I like the result but not the execution. You do know that this is not foolproof, right? There will always be one or two that could seep through the cracks."- Even under my sorcerer super spy eye, I can't see a way of this ending with a 100% performance.

"That's true and not. If you have one or two fools calling themselves Hydra, but no money, no backing, no equipment, or skills, Are they really Hydra? Or are they just insects calling themselves human?"- It always gets my blood boiling when I hear the Haloans calling Hydra insects, I like that!

"That's something that I like hearing, but I would still have to keep constant vigilance."- Not that I don't already, I was born vigilant! I couldn't even trust my own mother as I grew up. But, don't let her hear me say it, blessed be her soul.

"The other option is having Jean Grey issue a suicide command in their minds once she reaches her full psionic maturity. But psionic dampers could interfere in the psionic wave so multiple attempts would be needed and 100% confirmation would still never be reached."- Excuse me, Wut?

"I'm not so thrilled about flooding Earth with a 'Kill yourself' psionic command. No matter how skillful the little red becomes. It looks like my life will forever be plagued in one way or another by these fuckers!"- They are worst than cockroaches.

"Not necessarily..."- That does sound thrilling.

"What do you have in mind?"

"There are two options. First, if the Master Chief is done hiding his presence from the multiple subjects connected to veritable threats, then he could issue the suicide command and his would go through psionic dampers with no problems."- That's even worse than having the little red do it. At least she wouldn't 'accidentally' change the command to 'Become a maid'.

"That sounds promising but I still don't want to bathe Earth with a kill command, not to mention these threats that I knew nothing about, fill me in later!"- All threats will be assessed by my judgment!

"The second option is more of a possibility. The Master Chief is working on a new magic system whose end goal is to impose your will over the battlefield. In other words, reality-bending that is not grounded only in 'reality', but also applicable outside of 'reality'."

"What does that mean?"- I thought I could use my badass magic everywhere.

"For example, your space bending is very useful, but What would you bend if you were outside of space-time? Outside of reality?"- Why in the name of my saintly but suspicious mother would I be outside space-time? I didn't even know that was a place I could occupy. Would I even survive in there? I need space and time, don't I?... Shit! Now I sound like I'm breaking up a relationship without having the balls to do it.

"I see, so he is creating a magic system that would work on any battlefield. But how would that help us?"

"Because, although sorcery is somewhat limited for this case, with this new magic system we could create a spell for our specific scenario. A spell that kills anyone that knowingly and willingly works for Hydra."

"When could we use that spell?!"- Because I would even sell the remains of my possible mother for that shit!... Blessed be her soul!

"Not yet, we are still working on the foundations of the system. It's a work in progress but probably in a decade or maybe less, we should be done with its basic mainframe."

"Great! Count me i-"

*Knock* *Knock*

I raised my hand to aim at my office's door and my trusty pistol came out of my space storage. Safety off, one in the chamber, fully loaded, ready to take on some spy ass.

"Visits?"- Spark asked.

"No. My Hydra secretary knows not to let anyone disturb me during this time."- For a squid, she does a goddamned great job, she wouldn't knock on the door for no reason.

"Excuse me, Director. I have a call on the line from Secretary Pierce."

My line is disconnected during this time, when I convene with Spark, so this makes some sort of sense.

Spark broadcasts the illusion of me resting on the couch to the bugs we left in my office. It's to give Hydra the impression that I sleep and let my guard down during this time. -As if! Nick Fury never lets his guard down.

"Make it look like I woke up."- I address Spark. Who confirms while I take my 'resting' position on the couch.

"Yes, Vicky. Let the call come through."- I said to Vickhydra.

*Ring*- A few seconds later the call connects.

"Secretary Pierce, Sir. What can I do for you?"

"Director, I apologize if I interrupted your work, but one of our allies and backers, South Africa, reported to the council that not long ago one of their research and development labs was raided. No survivors and most, if not all, of their servers were wiped clean."

"It is no problem, Sir. But why was this matter sent to SHIELD? This is not the usual type of work that we would do, is it?"

"We asked the same question, but they showed us a security film left by one of their hidden cameras before they blew up the R&D lab. I will send it to you. It appears that we are dealing with a group that handles tech above that of our time. Not even Stark Industries has the level of tech that we saw."- If only you knew that this was them holding back.

*Ping*- I received the notification for a new file.

"I'm on it, give a minute, Sir."

[] Video Starts []

*Boom*- It starts when the door to a storage hall implosions. Probably the result of one of those blasters.

A group of militants uniformed in black robes with red clouds enters the hall, each holding blasters, clearly of high technological value, they assume positions less than two seconds after the door was imploded.

The women lifted their blasters and the crack of distinct blasters was heard.

*Skrrrahh (Ah)*

*Pap, pap, ka-ka-ka (Ka-ka)*

*Skidiki-pap-pap (Pap)*

*Pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom (Boom)*

*Skya (Ah)*

*Du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun (Dun)*

*Poom, poom* {A/N: Man's Not Hot~Song by Michael Dapaah, Min2:30}

A cacophony of destruction follows as they trigger their weaponry. The sounds produced by the ammunition of different blasters are all distinct, yet inevitably followed by explosions.

Some are implosions, some melt, some disperse, some penetrate, some explode. But, all left devastation. 

Light flashes from the muzzles of their weapons, and the women move around the hall annihilating any resistance that they meet. From time to time some of them wield blades of light, and some others use their guns to cut down the feeble opposition.


The hall trembles and dust falls, an explosion that appears to be coming from outside, showing that this was happening all over the lab.

One of the women in the group signals for retreat, not before leaving a device. A device whose function was clarified minutes later after the last militant withdrew.

A flash of light followed by static.

[] Video Ends[]

A short concise video that shows high tech, a uniform, military training, and a clear command chain.

This is a video that introduces a new group that is well-founded, highly capable, well-trained, and mysterious. This group is a new player in our world of secrecy, spying, and backstabbing. They would have successfully fooled me if I had not known that the girls intentionally left that video behind.

"Sir, Is there anything known of this organization? Do you know if they have been seen elsewhere?"

"... No, this is the first record that we found. Look into it, and let us know if you get anything. I will send you the location of the crater and have your team look into it. For these types of situations, SHIELD was created and funded."

*Vzzz*- The call is disconnected.

"Spark, Do you have the evidence connecting this explosion with the other one left in Central America?"

"Yes, Director. The traces that your team will 'find' will guide them to the traces left by that explosion a few weeks ago."

"Excellent! With this, I will milk them dry of all of their money after they think that SHIELD could eventually get a hit of 'their' base, Hydra's new enemy."- That's what these bitches will get! I should start planning for what I would like for Christmas, I feel like just one Helicarrier is not enough to 'find' these very advanced enemies.

"Yes, Director, you will milk them dry..."

"Oh, Shut up!"

"Hehehe. I thought double meaning was part of your culture. Once more I find clues to the real motivator behind human society..."

"Please, shut up with that."- This AI will make me go crazier with its fetishism talk.

"Yes, you guessed it..."

"Shut it! I've got work to do. I can't stand here and listen to another useless speech on Sex, Fetishism, and Society."

I walk out of my office and order Vicky, the Hydra bitch.

"Vicky, get Agent Coulson here. Tell him I need him in the lab downstairs in under one hour."

"Yes, Director."- Yes you will, you tentacled bitch.


Location Undisclosed, Arcadia.

"Carina, will you stay on the ship again?"- I asked my new pink maid who didn't want to visit Vormir with us last time.

"Yes, Young Master. I can appreciate the planet's destruction safely from the ship."- Carina said as she motioned to the screens in the command center.

"Aww, But it's not the same, Carina. You have to be there to live through it. Don't you want to brag about surviving a planetary collapse to your future friends?"- Kitty tried to coax the pink girl.

"Kitty, stop annoying Carina. Not everyone wants to 'live through' a planet's destruction. You don't have to listen to her, Carina."- Kurt came to the rescue. I believe that he feels a connection of 'normalcy' with Carina. But I wonder for how long... How long until Carina joins our side? 

Not everyone can be a bastion of sanity like Kurt.

"It's okay, Master Wagner. I know Captain Kitty means well."- Carina respectfully addressed Kurt.

"Captain Kitty, my place is here, on the ship. I will make sure to enjoy your experiment from here."

"Okay... it's your loss. Besides, this is just the first stop, maybe you can join us on the other planetary destructions."- Kitty is referring to the turns on the Power Stone of Irina and Yelena. 

Leaving our Krylorian on the ship we portaled to our target.

"Alright! We are here! Give me!"- The impatient Kitty showed her hand demanding the staff.

"So impatient..."- Kurt commented.

I gave her the Staff and as soon as she grabbed it... nothing happened.

"Huh? Where's the surge of power?"- The cat asked.

I moved Kurt and my maids to my side so that I could protect them in case the cat misfires.

"You have to get the stone out, you have to wield it directly. Even with your adaptability and regeneration, I don't think you'll be able to handle more than 3 minutes. I will take it away after that, so if you want to crack the planet and not only raze its surface then you better use the power energy to empower a spell instead of simply blasting its energy."

"Oh! Okay. Any recommendations?"- She asked as she hovered her hand over the crown of the staff.

"Your elemental spells won't do much damage, even if magnified. Try an eldritch sword to cleave the planet in half, or if you want explosions you could try to ignite and overcharge the dead core of the planet."- When I mentioned explosions I convinced her.

"Can't I use an elemental combination of fire and earth to ignite the core?"

"No, you need a circle for that or be physically present at the core. A core ignition circle, as far as I know, you don't have one, Do you?"

"No... Can't you make me one?"- She used puss in boots eyes.

"I can... Is it smart to try a new spell circle with the power stone?"- I know I could control it but I doubt she could.

"... No. Is there no other way?"- She used puss in boots eyes, again.

"Fine..."- I capitulated. 

I raised my hands up in the air, held them together, fingers interlaced, and slowly pulled them apart.

I used my TK to create a tunnel of vacuum around me, from the ground level to the outside of the planet.

Once I was sure that there was no atmosphere around me I breathed out a ball of void breath the size of a minivan. I kept the ball of void breath above me with my hands still up.

Lowering my hands, the ball dropped on me and it harmlessly passed through. As it made contact with the ground it flowed seamlessly, erasing the floor I stood on.

I came out the other side of the ball and felt space fixing itself around as it washed over me. It's so interesting how the fastest thing I have ever measured is space moving to fix itself, yet if there are too many particles in the way it creates a chain collapse that ignites any atmosphere.

Floating above the hole in the wake of the ball of breath, I measured the distance and angle needed to reach the core.

I pushed the ball and in about 3 seconds the ball made contact with the core. Using my energy control and will over my void, I dispersed it into harmless heat energy.

Bringing my hands to my chest, as if in prayer, I filled the vacuum left in the atmosphere and the one left in the tunnel.

"Okay, puss in boots. Open a portal at the end of the tunnel, you'll reach the core."- I sent the mental image of the end of the tunnel.

"~Yay! Thank you, Aragorn. I love you!"- Sure, and it only took helping you destroy a planet.

The cat waved her hand and a portal opened for us to see a black iron rock.

Making an orange circle matrix of fire and earth affinity, for a 'normal' ignition, she got ready to pull the stone out.

"I'm ready!"- Kitty.

"Good luck!"- Irina.

"Don't blow us up!"- Yelena.

"I'm not feeling good about this!"- Kurt

I waved my hand and covered the girls, cat, and Kurt with a skin-tight barrier, these should 'safely' help them fully experience the detonation of a planet. After all, only Kurt's regulates G-Forces that result due to abrupt acceleration. 

"We are golden, Kitty. Fire it up!"

"Yes!"- Kitty shouted as she pulled the stone out.

This time there was a reaction.

"ARGHH FUCK! THIS HURTS!"- Her yelling and sailor-like mouth made way for her body's adaptation and regeneration to kick in.

Her previous white and spotless skin adapted to a black with purple circuitry skin, her hair shifted to a purple flame, and her entire eyes lit up with color the same as her hair's flame. Leaving her with bright purple orbs as eyes.

"*Huff* It's done! It doesn't hurt anymore! I also feel powerful! UNLIMITED POWER!!!"- Se cast some city-destroying purple lightning bolts.

*Crackle* *Boom*- At the distance we could see the molten glass left behind by the strikes.

"Don't get distracted, Kitty. It's not the time to quote your Hero and inspiration. You're on a timer."

"Oh! Yes. Let's do this!"- She psyched herself up.

Carefully but at a fast pace, she methodically filled up her ignition circle with her purple energy.

"We are going to be okay, right?"- Kurt asked, knees shaking. 

"Yeah, you won't be harmed. The barrier could protect you even from the heat and pressure at the core of a dwarf star."

"That does make me feel better... WAIT! Won't I be launched into outer space?"

"HoHoHoHO! Kurt that's where the fun is! It will be the wildest rollercoaster ride ever! We will ride the wave of the explosion."- Kitty commented as her circle almost filled up.

I think she is not accounting for the gravitational wave after the collapse of the planet anchoring the gravitational well it creates. It will make for a rollercoaster ride fused with a turbulent flight through a hurricane.

"WHAT?! How am I supposed to get back to the ship?"

"... Maybe teleport?"- Kitty said as her circle was primed and ready. She even started to overfill it.

"I will surely be out of my range!"- The panic started to spread to his teeth. Now all of him was shaking. The circle started to show some cracking.

Maybe he has that phobia of big things, like the vast ocean, or in this case, the ocean of stars. 

"Oh well. I'm sure that Aragorn will find you. Right?"- Kitty threw the ball at me.

'Aragorn! Stress the subject further! Measure his vitals!'- Irina made a request.

"... Maybe..."- Of course I will.


"TIME'S UP!!!"- She shouted as she fired the overcharged spell into the core. The irresponsible cat just let go of my precious stone. She didn't even close the portal.


The core lit up. Instead of the healthy fiery colors, it lit up in a dark purple.

I closed the portal before the ignition force spilled through it. I waved my hand and sealed the stone back in the staff. Lastly, with another wave of my hand, I sent it to the Arcadia.

"WAIT! ARAGORN ANSWER ME!"- Kurt shouted, Irina took notes, and Yelena joined Kitty madly cackling in the background.

'Stress him even further!!!'- Irina ordered.

"Sorry, I was storing the staff. What was the question?"- Poor Kurt.



A wave of vibration and shock interrupted Kurt, the ground ominously cracked, and then...


A torrential pillar of purple magma rushed through the tunnel I made connecting to the core. The geyser of Power-Stone-Powered-Magma reached the outside of the planet.

We all got distracted by the beautiful and enchanting yet deadly phenomenon. Sorry Kurt, it was your fault for following your crazy friend.

And finally, less than 30 seconds after the geyser took shape, the planet couldn't hold it anymore.

This time there was no sound...

"See you!"- I said a second before the explosion sent us to explore the vastness of space.

Pieces of the planet flew by and along us.

The ground expulsed us, it crumbled under the exploding pressure, the atmosphere burned, the gravity faltered and finally, when we were uncontrollably spinning, a purple star was momentarily born. 

I commanded my TK to stop Kurt's spin. He was the only one with no TK.

While we were still getting away from the planet due to the exploding force, I could see the girls also positioned facing the contracting purple star. Though I can only see them because of my eyes. I'm pretty sure they have no idea of where the rest are.

Debris flew by and from time to time we got hit, nothing the barriers couldn't take on, of course.

'Here comes the well's collapse.'- I told them as I saw the star stop contracting. They were still within my passive range.

'What well?'- Irina asked.

'The gravitational well. The wave should launch us further and more abruptly.'- I sent them an image of what I meant.


'Hey, Aragorn. That will send me further away than my portal range.'- Kitty. It's all fun and games until you are no longer in control, isn't it?

'Umu'x2- My Maids.

'*BARF*'- Somehow Kurt sent the sound of his vomit through the psionic chat.

The helmet should take care of expulsing it.

'Hehehehe. I'll pick you up later.'

Then we felt it. Again no sound. But we did see the purple star grow, contrary to its previous contracting nature. But before its flames could reach us we were no longer within reach.

That's how abrupt a gravitational well collapse could be when you're suspended in a vacuum, with no air drag.

One moment gravity is pulling you back against your escape velocity, the next it's shooting you out.

The girls probably broke their necks and all of their bones. Kurt's barrier was different, he is not immortal like us.

But I don't worry, because this is not something new. When immortals like us spar, even a headshot is considered a scratch. So a broken neck, ripped flesh, collapsed organs, squished brains, and that sort of 'deadly' injuries, are a normal Thursday for my girls. 

Besides the barrier should keep them in one piece long enough for their regeneration and adaptation to kick in.

The real victim is Kurt.

Somehow his sanity and sheer fucking will didn't allow him to pass out. He experienced the whole ride.

I flashed to his side, it's been so long since I last traveled at light speed on my own power that I felt nostalgic.

Kurt was looking at the stars with tears in his eyes.

'Pretty, isn't it?'- He noticed my presence when I talked to him.

'Yeah...'- He had the suit clean his manly tears.

'How are you holding up?'

'Better than I expected. I found a new sense of life, like when you go through a life-or-death situation. I discovered the significance of life. I feel like I just started to truly live.'

'You were never at risk, though.'- Even if his heart decided to fuck it all, the suit would have restarted it.

'I know... kind of... but still. My friend exploded a planet... That's not normal.'

'She had help. Otherwise, demolishing the surface would have been the best result.'

'I know... kind of... but still. Stone or no stone, she did it. It puts certain things into perspective.'

'Doesn't my presence in your life already do that?'

'I know... kind of... but still. Seeing is believing, as they say.'

'I guess I can understand that.'

We stayed in a comfortable silence, enjoying the stars and the colorful vista. I took this time to erase any trace left of the Power Stone.

'Shouldn't we go and pick the rest up? I want to sleep until we reach that planet you mentioned before.'

'XVB-17, the next target? or Contraxia?'- Irina and Yelena each have a turn left with the power stone.

'Contraxia... I don't think I could handle two more of these.'

|Hey Aragorn! Pick me up!|- I got a message through Yelena's contract.

|Young Master, don't forget to record Kurt's vitals. I'm on my way.|- Irina has a better handle on the contract so she can feel a pull to my location. I can see her jumping from portal to portal in our direction.

'Let's wait for Irina. She is coming this way.'- I told Kurt.


'Got something to say?'

'Thank you for creating this suit with a cleaning system.'-...


'You're welcome.'- What else am I supposed to say?

A few seconds later Irina popped out of a portal.

'I'm here! Let's go!'

I opened a portal for Yelena and created a second one for Kitty.

Yelena floated through hers. She had already canceled her speed with TK.

The cat hadn't canceled her speed yet, so she shot through hers. We barely got a flash of her. I can estimate that she is traveling at about 1-3%c. {A/N: c=speed of light}

'Was that Kitty?'- Kurt asked.

'Yeah...'x3- We answered as we tried to focus on the speeding cat.


Near Contraxia, Arcadia.

"Ah, we are finally here! Contraxia, home to hookers, gynoids, whatever poison you crave for, deals under the table, and most importantly... Ravagers."- I exclaimed as the frozen visage of Contraxia was revealed on our screens.

"Nice!"- Kitty.

Which earned her a deadpan from Irina, Yelena, and Kurt. Carina's casualness remains to be broken. You can say that serving an elder of the universe does that for you, and unless your livelihood is at stake you won't mind most things.

"What's the plan, Aragorn?"- Kurt asked.

"I will make two commissions, one for their assistance in locating and migrating willing population to Nirn. The other is for information on habitable planets outside of all Galactic Empires' territories. That's about it for the plan. If anyone asks where we are from, say Fulgebunt Draconis Imperium, or Nirn."

"Carina and Kurt, never remove your Nanosuits. Kitty tone it down with the hyperactivity, you're supposed to be the captain."

"Aye aye."- Kitty.

"I wasn't planning on getting out of the safety of this suit, ever. I sleep on it."- A possible traumatized Kurt.

"As you wish, Young Master."- I've got to give it to Taneleer, he knows how to educate servants.

"Prepare for atmospheric entry!"- Kitty commanded.

"We are not going to portal in?"- I asked.

"Nah, I want to try landing it. I got a perfect score on my simulations for reentry, I want to try my skills out."

"I guess now is as good a time as any."

Normally, for a spaceship, atmospheric flight is expensive, and escaping the gravity well of a planet from the ground up is even more expensive. Especially if the ship is big, like the Arcadia or the Eclector, Yondu's mothership.

The Ravagers logically would leave their ships in orbit and drop to the planet in jump ships, or as they call them M-Ships, a class of ships the size of Quill's Milano.

But truthfully, we don't need to worry about expenses.

As we descend I watch as my Cat's simulation classes pay off, probably with a little bit more experience she could match the AI's re-entry parameters. But for the first try, this was great.

"Good Job, Kitty. You even matched correctly the entry angle to the atmospheric elemental composition."- Even though the air is breathable in Contraxia, the Nitrogen percentage is lower than Earth's, so the entry angle is different.

"Thanks!"- The cat hugged me.

"Happy?"- I asked her as I petted her.

"Yes, thank you for bringing me out of Earth. I know you didn't need to do things this way, you only did it for me."- She answered verbally as well as psionically, she sent her Love, Thanks, and Happiness to my empathy.

"You're welcome... Captain Kitty."- I sent her my Love and Fondness back.

"Let's go, mate! We have some pirates to hire."- Kitty.

Even though the ship is technically grounded, it's kept afloat. About 5 stories above ground. We have to leave it like this because there is no port with security for big ships around here and I don't want to allow easier access for the pirates to reach the ship.

We made our way into town where, as expected, a few people were eyeing us out. Clearly, we are not from 'around here', which calls attention to us, since Ravagers are not used to receiving guests on Contraxia.

We made our way to the respectable Iron Lotus, the brothel where Stakar Ogord was seen in the movie. We are aiming for him because I'm not sure about the time when Yondu Udonta was exiled from the Ravagers.

All I know is that around the 26-year period when Yondu was raising Quill, he was expelled. Since Quill was kidnapped in 1988 it's been 11 years since then, we might find the half 'celestial' or we might not. I'm hoping we do, I want to study his biology. 

And Quill should be close to 19 years old, it wouldn't be strange to find him, the playboy, whoring around here. 

"Is this it?"- Yelena asked as we neared our destination.

"It should be. Let's go inside and ask for some help."- I responded.

We walked in and all I could say was that, for a brothel, the ambiance is very welcoming, I might even call it family-friendly. 

"Hello, dear customers. How can I assist you today?"- A yellow gynoid asked as we were done getting a feel of the place.

"Hi, Can you help us find Stakar Ogord, Aleta Ogord, Charlie-27, Yondu Udonta, Krugarr, or Mainframe? We are looking for any of the leaders of the Ravagers."

"Would you mind sharing the reason with me? I am eager to understand the situation and your explanation would greatly help me."

"It's for a business proposition."

"Alright! Please follow me. Currently, Stakar Ogord is on the north corner of the left wing."

That works for us.

We followed the gynoid through the brothel, and I found lots of very interesting biologies on the way to Stakar. 

It's a good thing that the cat was behaving, but in retrospect, it's stupid to expect otherwise. Even with all of her outgoing personality, the cat is still a teen who feels comfortable around people she trusts and wary around strangers.

Normally is hard to notice, because she is around us or the mutants.

"He's here, please let me know if you need any of our other services."- The Gynoid pointed at a corner where I could see our guy.

"Thanks, we will."- Though Noona would kill me and you if I did request some of your special services.

We made our way to his booth while, unnoticeable to most, Stakar stealthily reached for his gun once he spotted us on his way.

"Hello there! My name is Aragorn. Are you Stakar Ogord?"

"What brings folk of your ilk around a hole like this looking for me?"- By 'ilk' is he referring to non-ravagers like us or something else?

"We are looking to hire a few of the Ravager clans. Since we didn't have access to your network yet, we came to the one place where you could find Ravagers..."- I gestured around us.

"Contraxia..."- He finished for me.

"I'm Stakar Ogord leader of the Stakar Ravager Clan. What can I do for you?"

"Two Requests. Or business propositions if you will. I represent a budding empire that is looking for citizens, willing citizens, we are trying to migrate about 2 million people to one of our underpopulated planets."

"The second point is information about habitable planets outside of any political jurisdiction. The planets should have a breathable atmosphere and water at a minimum. Location is not important as long as there is no claim on it."

"As long as we are not dealing with kids we could work something out..."- Stakar said.

"What about orphans?"- I asked.

"What about them?"- Stakar responded, unsure of the origin of my question.

"If we find orphans willing to move to our planet. Or kids with no guardianship over them. We could provide a home for them. We are trying to populate our planet not purchase slaves, these people would be our future citizens so we wouldn't mistreat them or anything in such a crude manner. Would you be willing to help in their relocation?"

"Only on a case-by-case basis, and each clan leader would have to consent."

"That's acceptable."

"How will you get the people to willingly move out? Ravagers don't have the greatest of reputations if you didn't know."- Stakar addressed another problem.

"Once we have located the candidates we would call for some representatives to officiate the process, having a legal spokesperson should counteract your bad rep. I would also like to recommend trying out war-torn places. It would do better, for us, if the citizens felt indebted to us."

"We could, but the risks are higher, not everyone is willing to get near the battlefields."- Stakar.

"Money is no problem if that's what you're referring to. We are willing to pay 2000 units per successful settler."- He was still for a while before the math computed.

"... 4 Billion units?"

"4 Billion units total, and 30 Thousand units per accepted planet, with a maximum of 6 accepted planets."- This time I felt the entire brothel pay attention to our conversation.

"Can you back that number up?"

"I could pay you now, but your ilk can be greedy and lazy, I would rather not have to kill you once you betray me if I hand you the reward before I get my residents. I can pay you on the spot. After every successful migration to our planet, we can complete each transaction. I should also mention now that these prices are non-negotiable, these numbers were authorized by my queen and you won't get a unit more than what I quoted."

"... How long would we have to complete the migration?"- Stakar.

"Three months maximum."

"That is manageable... Where is this planet?"- Stakar.

"Planet Nirn. It's an embassy planet within the territory of the Nova Empire."

"Mmmh. That could be a problem..."- Stakar.

"While working on this task you would have immunity for your past deeds as long as you follow the designated route."

"... You must have considerable pull if you can get those reassurances."- Stakar.

"We do. Currently, our priority is the migration and we could leave the information on the planets for last."

"I like it! How far away is your planet located from the other empires? Just an average"- Stakar.

"I would say that from here we are about half a standard day away if you use the jumps."

"... We would cut it close, but if we have several motherships in rotation with the M-Ships as escorts we could use 10-18 clans to get everyone shipped out within that timeframe. That's assuming we find the 2 million willing migrants."

"Exactly."- I confirmed his mental math. I could portal everyone away, but I'm trying to make possible enemies believe that I have a range for my portals. So I'm trying to keep it the size of a few hundred star systems.

"Can you wait here for the others to arrive once I call them? A deal of this size is better handled in person."

"Sure, we can wait a day or two, to get the confirmation of your team."

After that, we exchanged contact info and we all returned to the Arcadia. I didn't want to leave them run free just the day we arrived. I should scout the place a bit more to make sure that they won't run into a problem bigger than they handle.


13.2k words, this was a hassle to finish. 

I have been having a hectic schedule due to the festivities and changing places, but I'm trying to compensate with longer chapters. 

I will upload some images. in case you reached this point without seeing any.

I feel like this space arc will grow larger than I anticipated, but it probably feels that way because I usually use about one-quarter of the chapter to update the situation in Krakoa.
