Chapter 385 Who is it?

Something cold touched the back side of her arm.

Without looking at it, Jade knew what it was. Nothing was visible from the angle they put the weapon.

Jade stood still.

The woman standing behind threatened her. When Jade didn't react, the lady came in front of her face and stood there.

At that moment Jade got to see the woman's face clearly, it was the same woman who was trying to seduce Valentino in the banquet hall.

At that moment, she had a pair of sharp and cold eyes just like Cynthia, completely different from the pure and weak appearance she had a few minutes ago. That's when that woman smiled cruelly, and said in her Bluetooth headset, "Valentino's woman is standing in front of me and I have captured her."

Listening to that, the other party didn't know what to say?

The woman laughed mockingly and said, "Don't worry, maybe she is his lover. What I'd she knows some fighting moves but she can't escape from here "