Chapter 2-1

Maybe I should leave, I don't think I can take the glares and whispering any longer. Kurt won't be happy but this is a minefield that I'd rather dodge before the damage becomes irreparable.

"Where's the Alpha of the Midnight Fire pack?" I recall the name of the remaining pack who are yet to arrive, looking up at Kurt's face. He pulls a face, snorting derisively.

"You mean that asshole, Dante Pelosi? He never turns up, sends his Betas along instead. Must be intimidated by me." Kurt announces loudly, catching the attention of a few people.

"I don't think I've ever met him." I mumble to myself, studiously ignoring the group of girls shaking their heads and pointing in my direction as lean in and gossip.

The tinkering chimes of broken glass makes me jump, as I look around for the source of the noise. Kurt's deep exhale of breath grabs my attention as I peer up at him, taken aback by the dumbstruck look on his face.

It's him who is responsible for the noise, his shattered champagne glass at his feet. Kurt's mouth hangs open, his thunderstruck look refusing to let up. "Kurt?" I call anxiously.

He doesn't reply, blinking repeatedly as he automatically lets go of me, stepping away.

"Kurt?!" I repeat, trying to follow his line of vision. What's gotten him in such a state?

"Mate." He grunts, his cerulean eyes shimmering brightly.

I can feel my heart pounding, as if fissures are already starting to emerge with each palpitation. This can't be happening. This was meant to be our chance to declare our love. How can this be happening to me? Kurt loves me, he already said he doesn't want his mate.

"Mine." Kurt breathes, moving further away from me and stepping forward.

"Mine." A girlish voice repeats, echoing faintly through the palatial banquet hall.

I gasp uncontrollably, my body shaking as I watch a petite woman step out of the throngs of people, approaching Kurt with a similar, glassy eyed look. They stop in front of each other as if they're long lost lovers, finally reunited.

Aly, we need to leave. Don't put yourself through this.

Kurt pulls the pretty girl towards him, planting a passionate kiss on her lips. She melts into his touch, responding with equal ferocity. They continue to eat each other's faces and I'm frozen to the spot, unable to look away as I watch the love of my life kiss another woman.

Tears are running silently down my face as I shudder from the silent sobs emitting from my body. I'm aware that every pair of eyes are trained on me, watching my reaction to this public embarrassment I'm facing. Whispers fill the hall, growing louder and louder until the room is positively buzzing.

"Aly, come on. We're leaving." Ryan's angry voice whispers.

My brothers appear out of nowhere, each of them flanking my side protectively. I still can't move, unable to tear my eyes away from Kurt while he continues to kiss us newly found mate. I think I'm going to be sick, bile and humiliation rising in my throat.

Reese and Ryan pull me way from the heartbreaking scene, forcing my attention to the crowd of stunned onlookers.

"What are you looking at?!" Reese spits at some stranger, causing some of the chatter to fade.

I'm quickly escorted out of the building, Ryan pausing to lift me into his arms as I stagger dangerously on my heels. My sobs grow louder and my wolf is solemnly silent, letting me grieve. I bury my face into Ryan's shoulder, sniffling. They were right, everyone was right.

"Let's go home." Reese mutters, a faint jangle of car keys accompanying his rapid footsteps.

Somehow, we make it to the busy parking lot, ignoring the curious valets. I look over Ryan's shoulder, glancing back at the retreating lights of the impressive manor. Somewhere inside, Kurt is fawning over his mate while I'm left to pick up the pieces. The very thought is enough to set me off again. "Come on Aly, he's not worth it." Ryan whispers sadly, hugging me tighter.

We make it to the Reese's monster truck and Ryan flings the door open settling me in the back seat and following suit. Reese jumps into the front, starting up his beloved truck with its familiar roars.

I'm leaning against Ryan, letting my brother pat my back in comfort. He says nothing more, a pained expression marring his face. I know Reese must look the same, although I can't see him. His hands grip the steering wheel tightly, back stiff with anger.

"Alanna?" Dad's muffled voice calls in concern.

Wiping my nose, I look out of the large window to find Dad approaching the truck, accompanied by a tall figure. The sidelights of the truck illuminate their profiles and I find my father looking unsettled and flustered for first time ever.

"He found his mate!" Reese roars in disgust, thrusting a thumb back in the direction of the manor, for Dad's benefit.

Dad closes his eyes in expectance, nodding as if he was waiting for this to happen. "Take your sister home. I'll be back soon."

Without another word, he looks back at the anonymous figure still shrouded in darkness behind him.

It can't be ...

My wolf is restless, yipping in excitement and making a fuss. It's wreaking havoc on my emotions, my wolf seemingly giddy with elation while I try to deal with my fresh heartbreak.

The mysterious figure steps forward, finally revealing themselves.

My soft sobs are halted immediately, mouth going dry. My eyes widen in shock as a delicious feeling of warmth invades my body, stretching from the crown of my head to the tips of my toes. Staring back at me stands a breathtakingly gorgeous man, golden eyes gleaming wickedly in the artificial light. His strong, ethereal features are marred with shock as he's rooted to the spot, his tousled dark brown hair ruffling gently in the breeze.

I gasp at the funny sensations taking over me and I feel like jumping out of the truck and throwing myself at him. His broad, imposing body is tense, unmoving as he portrays every emotion I'm feeling.

Reese begins to move the car, cruising slowly past this delectable man. I lock eyes with him properly, every ounce of air being knocked out of me.

"Mine." I hear a deep, sensual voice float towards me.

Reese floors it, forcing the large truck forward and leaving the elusive man behind. "Wait--" I protest.

Ryan looks down at me in confusion as I crane my neck back, trying to catch one last glimpse of this gorgeous stranger. I spot his substantial figure, imposing and immovable. Darkness makes it difficult to see and he fades into distance as Reese continues to zoom away and out of the manor grounds, leaving everything behind.


My wolf howls with longing, trying to take over my body and force me to shift, in an attempt to get back to the manor, back to the handsome stranger. I grab the seat in protest, remembering Kurt. The manor is the last place I should be right now. My conflicted state just makes things worse and I feel physically sick, huddling against Ryan for some sort of solace.

"Alanna. Starving yourself won't change things." I huddle further underneath the covers, letting the darkness enclose me. I've been keeping a low profile these past few days, sticking to the solace of my bed.

I hear Dad sigh in exasperation, the clinking of cutlery sounding out as he sets down whatever food he has. Just when I think he's given up, my snug covers are cruelly torn away from me.

"Dad!" I mumble, curling up into a ball. "I'm not hungry. Please, just give me my covers back." I open an eye reluctantly, watching my Dad tower over my bed with a disapproving look. He says nothing, launching the bed covers out of the open window.

"Leave me alone!" I yell, burying my face into the pillows.

"No." He replies firmly. I feel the bed sink down a couple of inches, Dad deciding to take a seat near me. Clearing his throat awkwardly, I know I'm in for an uncomfortable talk.

"If this is the part where you say 'I told you so', then save it. I feel like such an idiot." I whisper hoarsely.

"I'm not here to rub it in, Alanna. I'm worried about you. So are your brothers. The-- the Gala ended last week and you've been hiding in your room ever since."

"What else can I do? I'm the laughing stock of the whole pack, Dad. I lost both my dignity and my boyfriend in a matter of moments." My voice trembles dangerously and the warning of tears already has my Dad fidgeting.