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Chapter 52-2

"Excuse me?"

"When you decided to break into my house and trash my room; did it make you feel brave, even if it was just for a split-second?" I stop in front of her, having come full circle. "You're mistaken, Aly." Claire mutters. "I thought we were friends--"

"Don't you dare." I snarl, advancing towards her. Claire starts to retreat into the kitchen, her hands pressed against her apron. The mask of indifference begins to slip, and out comes the real Claire Smith. The elusive side that I have yet to meet.

"So what if I did?" She retorts, scuttling away like a crab. "You have something that belongs to me, and I intend on getting it back."

"And what would that be?"

"A friend from Isle Mist called me last night. A certain girl called Leah." Claire hisses. "She told me that you stole my Mom's files, and how you brainwashed my idiot brother. How you turned my pack against my mother."